Retro Revisited: Street Fighter II (Amiga)

The year was 1992 and Commodore Amiga owners were going into paroxysms of excitement – I should know for I was one of them – because the unthinkable was happening – Street Fighter II, one of the best arcade fighters ever made, was soon to be released for the system.

The game received massive amounts of pre-release coverage (and hype) from several publications in the run-up to Christmas that year, culminating in the release of a non-playable demo distributed on the cover disks that typically adorned most Amiga magazines back then.

In hindsight, the fact that this demo was non-playable, lasting all but a minute or so, should have set alarm bells ringing.

The truth was, I didn’t care; all that mattered was the game looked like the arcade version and, that some time soon, I would be having the best time of my life playing it. I made it clear to my parents in no uncertain terms that I would disown them should I fail to receive a copy in my Christmas stocking that year.

[vsw id=”Wb6VvtAcmb8″ source=”youtube” width=”640″ height=”400″ autoplay=”no”]

Being the wonderful people that they are, my mum and dad managed to secure a copy of the game in time for the festive season, no mean feat in an era when decent high-street stockists of games barely existed, let alone internet shopping! I think part of the problem was either due to the fact the game wasn’t finished, or that the distributors wouldn’t commit to a firm deadline, so none of the shops could give an answer as to when stock would arrive.

Fortunately, the game did eventually turn up, and I couldn’t get the cellophane off the box fast enough, ramming the first disk into my A500 in excitement.

That was then…

Over the years, I’ve had chance to play many incarnations of Street Fighter II on many systems, including the original arcade version, which served only to act as a harsh reality check as far as the Amiga version is concerned. While there are many gaming moments that we cherish from our childhoods, this is one such title that even the rose-tinted spectacles of nostalgia cannot save.

Having long suspected that the game was nowhere as good as my younger self remembered, I decided to revisit the title to confirm whether my suspicions were true.

Character select screen

First impressions are actually pretty good, although don’t let this fool you.

When the title screen (eventually) loads, you’re greeted by the familiar intro sequence from the arcade version, accompanied by a neat rendition of the arcade theme music using electric guitar samples.

The game supports the all-important two-player versus mode, and the full roster of Street Fighter characters is available to select, complete with portrait cards and sound-bites from their signature special moves.

It’s not until that you get past these menus and into the game proper that things take a distinct turn for the worse.

I know that it’s often said that the value of a game shouldn’t be based on the quality of it’s graphics, but the visuals are always the first thing on which impressions are based.

I admit that the sprites do look very much like their arcade counterparts, albeit with a reduced colour palette, and it’s not until you actually see them start to move around that you realise that this isn’t going to be a good experience. The way the characters drift around the screen, especially when jumping, gives the impression of fighting in a low gravity environment, or being submerged in deep water.

Despite the PAL Amiga operating at a 50 Hz refresh rate, the game appears to be operating internally closer to 15 or 20 FPS, certainly a much lower value than the screen refresh.

The end result is jerky scrolling and character animations lacking any kind of fluidity, conveying the sense that the combatants are not entirely in control of their own limbs.

Is that a hadoken, or jelly fish?

This lack of control is only reaffirmed when you actually start moving the joystick around and realise that any effort spent trying to exert influence over the direction your fighter’s is travelling, or what moves to execute, is entirely futile.

This is due in part to the problem of trying to condense a control scheme designed for a heavy-duty control stick and six buttons into something that works on a £10 Quickshot Pro joystick with a single fire-button. The ability to differentiate between weak, medium and strong attacks is completely absent, and trying to execute special moves is near-impossible; when they do occur, it’s mostly by sheer luck rather than any kind of skill.

Then there are the stages for each of the character.

While the accompanying stage artwork is broadly accurate to that of the arcade, the Amiga version is practically devoid of any of the incidental animation (e.g. cheering crowds) that helped breathe life into these arenas. The parallax effects from the arcade version are completely absent here, and some of the stages have had elements removed altogether (the background behind the jet-fighter on Guile’s stage is now a matte blue colour).


If there’s any consolation, the game’s audio is actually pretty decent. Most of the sound effects and digitised speech samples from the arcade version are present, although they are noticeably lower quality – I’m guessing they’re heavily compressed and of lower quality to fit in memory.

Dave Lowe (Uncle Art) was responsible for the in-game music, although the stage music left me somewhat perplexed.

I was able to identify Ken’s stage and Ryu’s stage, but I wasn’t able to place the others at all. I even looked through a video of the original arcade version that I recorded and came up with nothing, so were these original compositions? I’m guessing that there wasn’t enough space available on the disks (or in memory) for all of the tunes, so they were replaced with a couple of generic tunes used throughout the game.

What’s even more infuriating about the game is that you get a sense that essence of what makes Street Fighter II so great is present, but it’s stifled by the mediocrity of the conversion process. I don’t wish to downplay the significance of trying to cram a powerful custom arcade board into the Amiga’s comparatively meagre hardware, but conversions of other arcade games, like Mortal Kombat, prove that it can be done with successful results.

This screenshot is more animated than the actual game…

At this point, it’s fairly obvious that the game isn’t very good, and that I’ve given it quite the kicking.

However, I think it would be remiss of me to suggest that the quality of the conversion is through pure laziness or incompetence, although it could well be the case.

The truth might be quite the opposite in fact, as talented coders like Richard Aplin (Final Fight, Double Dragon and others) have given an insight into just how unenviable the task of trying to convert arcade games to other platforms could be.

More often than not, programmers would have no access to the original arcade source code, art/sound assets, let alone the original programmers. Quite often, it would be a case of playing the arcade game, then taking away that experience and trying to rebuild it from scratch.

Average graphics mask a rubbish game

Whether this was simply a project that was too ambitious, or simply an example of another Atari ST game given a hasty port to the Amiga, the fact remains Street Fighter II remains one of the most lacklustre arcade conversions I’ve played, which only served to kick my childhood memories of the game well and truly into touch.

It’s a sad state of affairs when I can honestly say that watching that original, pre-scripted cover disk demo is actually preferable to playing the game itself.

Author: Alec
PC gamer, C64 fan, Amiga advocate, creator of longplay retrogaming videos on YouTube, occasional wordsmith - follow me on Twitter

14 thoughts on “Retro Revisited: Street Fighter II (Amiga)

  1. Reminds me of the one time when I was tasked with such a conversion (albeit from J2ME to Flash), without even being given the original game to play! Just a few screenshots and a description of the concept. Needless to say, it’s a miracle I got as far as I did…

    It’s still odd considering that the SNES version of Street Fighter II (Well, Turbo) was excellent. Did the SNES have so much more oomph than the Amiga? Or were the developers helped more?

    1. The console conversions were handled by Capcom directly. They’d have had access to all the source code, assets and would have known the inner workings of the game inside out and back-to-front :) I guess that the Amiga would have been more problematic, perhaps because of resource overheads needed to maintain the O/S and programs that consoles typically didn’t require? I’m no expert on the hardware, but the Amiga OCS chipset was in the original A1000 that launched in 1985 – the hardware was already 7 years old by the time this game launched. Then there’s the theory it’s just a hobbled port of the Atari ST version with no optimisations for Amiga (copper etc) – the truth is probably a combination of all these factors :)

  2. Surely Amiga had some limited capabilities in graphics (32 colors) and sound (4ch) against consoles and PC at that time but if we consider “Elfmania” from Terramarque you can really rethink that limitations. The game had multilevel parallax background with animations many sprites eventuali big ones moving at constant 50fps. So it WAS possible. Same story for “Out Run” if you compare it to “Lotus 3” or “Jaguar XJ220”. The Truth is that they sometimes hired bad programmers or gave them few time and no support at all.

    1. Yep – Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 and XJ220 really kicked the Amiga’s version of OutRun in the seat of it’s pants :)

      I would have been interested to see how the game could have turned out if Capcom had handled the conversion themselves.

  3. Exactly, the problem wasn’t the power of the Amiga, it’s the fact that the coders just took their best guess at what the gameplay should be (see every other version of Street Fighter 2 on the Amiga).

    The version of SF2 for the Gameboy played better, I thought.

  4. Heh, I remember seeing the news it was coming out for the C64! Can you imagine my surprise, so I ran out and got that as soon as I could… You think the Amiga port was bad. I completed SF2 on the C64 on my first go (it was notorious for being far too easy), that combined with the load times was just super disappointing

  5. It was a deception, the very first day I saw the Amiga version of SF2 was very sad. But, I will always wondered, why they use the actual arcade sprites instead of the SNES sprites? the SNES sprites are smaller, so, the SNES and Megadrive not only got more sprite power, they use smaller graphics. If the Amiga version uses SNES graphics, I am sure the game may increase performance. About the music, it is really a shame they did not make the entire soundtrack. I am sure that Probe/Virgin should do a much better conversion like they did with Mortal Kombat 1 and 2.

  6. I also had SF2 on AMIGA back in the day and this is my experience.

    Living out in the countryside (South West, UK) the only real opportunity for arcades were seaside visits or the yearly Bridgewater Carnival. So I had very very limited access.
    I remember being blown away seeing SF2 in the arcade and when the SNES SF2 pack came out I asked my parents for it, but they said no.
    So when The One (magazine) (I think?!) had a article on SF2 being
    developed for AMIGA I was really excited.
    (Memory fuzzy) – I got the game for Christmas along with a Megadrive pad because SF2 supported 2 fire buttons.
    I loved the game and only had real trouble performing Zangief’s ‘spinning pile driver’.

    Remember – this was my only opportunity to play SF2 and I probably only played it twice on Arcade, so in my eyes it was great (did I even play it on the arcade? I remember ‘bigger kids’ around it playing, so maybe I only watched!).
    I won’t go back and play it on AMIGA, because I know it will be bad, and my nice memories will be ruined :)

  7. The Amiga’s issue was never its hardware, it was the fact that Commodore (bar the UK branch) didn’t give a crap who released what on the machine becasue they wanted it to be a business machine. Third party developers just snapped up film and arcade licences and spat out poorly programmed crap which in turn gave the Amiga a bad name.

    To be fair, I don’t think the Amiga SF2 game played all that badly, but the animation, the palette and the control system were absolutely terrible and it was just an obvious all in one rush job and cash grab.

  8. It says a lot about the all-round crapness of the Amiga version SFII when Body Blows was considered a vast improvement… now there is a game that seemed great at the time but has dated horribly… Shadow Fighter on the other hand… now there was a game that demonstrated how fighting games COULD be done well on the Amiga… that and both Mortal Kombat I & II…

  9. Reading this review and the comments that followed, I’m actually happy to see that some people have good memories of this and that they didn’t cry in disappointment over a ruined Christmas.

    I remember being shocked at the poor quality of SFII on the Amiga, even after stooping to US Gold’s usual low standards.

    Though I did expect some compromise in performance and graphics, I was hoping for something like Body Blows… and not a rushed Atari ST port that ignored all of the Amiga’s custom chips.

    Naturally, the shame does not hang over the poor programmers that slaved over the code in record time, but to the US Gold managers who rushed this for a quick buck. We all know this story, it’s behind 9 out of 10 crap games we’ve ever paid for.

    This game still rings in my head as the second worst arcade conversion I’ve seen for the Amiga. The first was US Gold’s rendition of Rolling Thunder. :)

    1. You are right, but the rush-for-cash happens all the time even for modern platforms. Sometimes I wonder if they know it is bad and simply goes with it anyways.

  10. Hey

    I come across this kind of late, cool article! I had the SNES version of this first and got to play the Amiga version at a friends house, While playing it you would think oh another crap US fools Gold conversion, however as other people pointed out, the consoles releases were ported by Capcom themselves, which was a major advantage. Clearly for the Amiga version, they had no access to source code as the game play is more of a coding guess on how the arcade game plays, which today would be unacceptable for a commerical game release.

    The other problem was with these sort of games on pre-AGA machines is it exposes the hardware sprite limitions on the Amiga. 16-bit Consoles by this stage simply outclassed the OCS/ECS Amigas in sprites sizes, colour use and shifting them around the screen.

    At least on the Super Street Fighter games they got the gameplay right as they had access to the source code.

    If you look at Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, this is a good example of pushing a AGA machine, the sprites look good, but it only uses the 2mb of chip ram, when it needed fast ram to hold all the sprites and to speed up the game.

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