In the second in a series articles, I continue on my trip down memory lane as I take you through some of the computing and gaming experiences of childhood, taking in the 8-bit scene, the Commodore Amiga and much more! In the first part of this issue, we leave the Commodore Plus/4 behind and take a look at the most popular home computer ever made, the Commodore 64.
As much as I had enjoyed the Commodore Plus/4, the supply of new games for the system soon began to evaporate. It was clear that Commodore had no real intention on promoting the platform and the gradual decline in games software at the local newsagent confirmed that this was a machine on it’s last legs. All attempts to convince me that that there were other forms of entertainment equally as fun or exciting as a computer were met with quiet snort of derision and dismissed out of hand. My parents considered their options, and, for the sake of their own sanity as much as anything, decided it would be better for all concerned that I had a computer to keep me entertained.

There was just one all-important question, what computer should replace my ageing Plus/4? I was too young to even be aware of the various machines that existed at that point, so I was totally reliant on my parents (at their mercy even) to make a decision as to any subsequent purchase.
Their choice, as it turns out, would be a Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2 (I know it was the +2 model because it had the built-in tape recorder). Despite bearing the Sinclair name, the machine was actually produced by Amstrad, Alan Sugar having purchased the rights to Clive Sinclair’s branding and merchandise that same year. I spent only the briefest of moments with the machine, mainly because nobody could seem to get the damned thing to work correctly. The supplied joystick seemingly failed to register any kind of input, and actually getting software to load successfully seemed to be entirely in the lap of the gods.
Whether that particular unit was faulty, or that we simply weren’t savvy enough to fathom the workings of the machine out, the truth of the matter is we ran out of patience. My Dad is nothing if not a man of persistence and tenacity, but even he gave up in despair, irately bundling the machine back into the box and frog-marching it back to the store. Something that people learn about my dad, usually to their disadvantage, is that if he wants a refund and you don’t want a scene inside your store, then you sure as heck better give him that refund.

And so it was that, following a brief and heated exchange of words with the poor customer service drone behind the till (whom I expect is still in receipt of regular counselling sessions to cope with the trauma), he returned from the store with with another box tucked under his arm. The contents of this particular package, however, were not simply a replacement Spectrum (that ship had well and truly sailed). Inside the box was a brand new, gleaming example of the best-selling computer that the world has ever known, the Commodore 64.
Originally released in 1982, this marvel of the 8-bit world became a runaway success for Commodore, following then owner Jack Tramiel’s mantra that his machines were “Computers for the masses, not the classes“. In a deliberate attempt to undercut rivals, Tramiel had formed reputation for developing and shipping products that either offered better specifications than rival products, or undercut them significantly in pricing to boost sales – in his own words, “to bring the best technology at the lowest price“. So successful was the C64 that, at it’s peak, it’s estimated that Commodore was manufacturing as many as 400,000 units per month.
One of the main reasons for the machine’s success was that Commodore had specifically targeted high street retail chains and department stores, rather than just dedicated computer specialists, to stock it’s products. My particular C64 was purchased from a branch of Dixons, a once-familiar sight on any UK high street, now just a long-forgotten casualty in the unstoppable onslaught by Amazon.
Whereas the Plus/4 had come with a substantial software bundle included in the package, the Commodore 64 was relatively bear-bones. The two titles that I remember getting with the machine were Beamrider – a pseudo-3D derivative of Space Invaders developed by David Crane – and Space Tunnel, some obscure 3D maze game were you piloted a space ship through tight corridors and had really bad controls. Space Tunnel never saw the light of day beyond the unboxing, but Beamrider was a great little arcade game that I spent many an hour playing. In fact, I got so good at the game that I managed to break the bonus screen that appears after destroying the mothership, resulting in a never-ending loop of bonus points; the only way to stop it was to turn the machine off.

In truth, neither of these games really showed off the true capabilities of the machine. The Commodore 64 was an extremely capable games machine for it’s time, although it would take almost a decade before the true potential of the machine would be realised.
At it’s heart was an MOS Technology 6510 processor, operating somewhere around 1 MHz. The CPU was capable enough, but it was the VIC-II video interface chip that helped give the C64 an advantage over the competition. Boasting a resolution of 320 x 200, 8 hardware sprites and smooth scrolling, it gave programmers more features baked directly into the hardware, easing the development process and resulting in games that simply couldn’t be reproduced on other systems of the day.
Perhaps even more important to the success of the machine, not to mention it’s enduring legacy, was the sound generator. Developed by Robert “Bob” Yannes, the SID (sound interface device) chip provided the C64 with audio capabilities well beyond those available in any comparable devices. Much like everything else included in the machine, it would take the talents of audio pioneers like Rob Hubbard, Martin Galway, Jeroen Tel and so many other talented ‘SIDicians‘ to make the chip truly sing. I remember sitting open-mouthed when I loaded up Ocean’s Rambo: First Blood Part II and heard the remarkable music that accompanied the loading picture.

With the arrival of the C64, any interest I had in other toys waned considerably. Whilst I did have the usual selection of action figures and board games, nothing hit the spot like the C64 did. My mum and dad would often encourage me to “go outside get some fresh air!“, although would eventually relent, having been forced to observe me pacing up and down outside the window with a face like thunder, rather like a cat that desperately wants to come back inside.
I don’t wish to give the impression that I was perpetually glued to the machine, but I did play on my C64 an awful lot. So much so that my mum and dad would groan in disbelief at the distant sound of creaking plastic and micro-switches as I would, quite literally, grind the joystick into dust, finally breaking the thing completely with a loud *SNAP*. Upon peering around the living-room door, my parents would witness the resultant scene of one very miserable child holding up the (very limp) corpse of yet another Quickshot Pro joystick. This sad and dejected lump of red and black plastic would now forever hang to one side in a state of abject melancholia, before being tossed into the rubbish bin. Of course, being the kind and generous human beings that my parents are, it wouldn’t be long before a new joystick would be purchased and the grinding could begin in earnest once again. It’s not known just how many souls I would claim for the ‘Stick Reaper, but I would imagine I’d be right up there amongst his most valued harbingers.

The destruction didn’t stop there either. I didn’t have a television in my bedroom at this point, so any time with my C64 would be spent downstairs, sitting cross-legged in front of the television in the main living room. The family television, a woodgrain Decca CRT, clearly hadn’t been designed to stand up to the gruelling punishment that a small boy and his C64 would inflict upon it. So it was that, one day, following another ritual thrashing, the tube would finally give up the ghost with a terminable *phut* before fading into darkness. Needless to say, the economics of buying a small, portable colour television for my bedroom would be financially preferable to replacing the main set every few months.
Now ensconced in the privacy of my bedroom, I would experience many of the wondrous sights and sounds that the Commodore 64 software catalogue had to offer. There are far, far too many brilliant games to include in this one article, but anyone who has ever visited my YouTube channel will be able to see so many of the best and brightest games available for the system. I created the following short video as a tribute to some of my favourite games on the system, but this doesn’t even scratch the surface of the number of amazing games that would be created for the system.
[vsw id=”Z3dnyArnaUg” source=”youtube” width=”640″ height=”360″ autoplay=”no”]
Perhaps one of the reasons why I loved my C64 so much was, as an only child, the system effectively took the role of an absent sibling, giving me something to play with, or against. Therefore, I had limited opportunity to play games with anyone else, usually because my parents would be busy doing chores or working. However, there would be the odd occasion when my dad would be up for a game, although this was not always the roaring success I had hoped for. Whilst there are parents who happily play a game and choose to lose on purpose with good grace, just so as to bask in their child’s excitement at winning, my dad is not among them. Fiercely competitive, he is man who takes part in something with the full intention to win, a trait that I have, at least to some extent, inherited. Naturally, you would expect that one would opt to play something civilised and gentile, where tempers will never become frayed and everyone walks away from the experience as firm friends, feeling thoroughly invigorated by the whole experience.

What we actually chose to play, however, was First Star Software’s Spy vs. Spy, a game built entirely upon a foundation that involves stabbing your opponent in the back. Based on the long-running Mad Magazine comic strip written by Antonio Prohías, the game features the familiar White Spy and Black Spy as they search an office building for secret intelligence, all the while attempting to prevent the other spy from acquiring said items. The victor is the first spy to collect all of the items, bundle them in a diplomatic briefcase and make it to the exit before escaping in their own personal jet. The game features a unique split-screen display that allows each player to move around the office building independently of the other, although masters of the game will learn to keep an eye on their opponent’s window to see where they’ve hidden any items, as well as where they planted any booby traps.
To say that the rivalry emerging in the living room as myself and my dad played was intense would be an understatement. During one particularly tempestuous round, he hurled his joystick across the room in frustration before exclaiming angrily, “It’s not fair! He keeps watching my half of the bloody screen!“. And so it was that, from this point on, he would rarely pick up a joystick ever again, instead contenting himself to observing video games from a distance, avoiding the chance that any such embarrassment should reoccur in the future.
In the early days, distribution of games was predominantly achieved via mail-order. Prospective customers would send an envelope that contained an order form, plus cash or a cheque, to the distributors address. Some time later, they would (hopefully) receive the game via courier or postal service. By the time I acquired my C64, publishers and distributors had realised that in order to hit it big, they needed to get high-street retailers to stock their products. Mastertronic, one of the best-known distributors at the time, would issue racks of pre-packaged tapes to independent newsagents and outlets of John Menzies, making product available to a much bigger customer base. This is certainly where I got most of my C64 games, at least in the early days, because there was a never-ending supply of new games coming to market. Titles such as Activision’s Ghostbusters had already been on the market for several years by this point, but publishers had increasingly started to release their back-catalogues of titles at reduced prices, usually under a separate brand that distinguished the budget ranges from full-price software.

I remember that my local post office had a rack for displaying a range of budget C64 and Spectrum games installed right next to the door, left in close proximity to a shelf that contained some particularly unpleasant and mouldy-looking cheese baps. These would be left to sweat, festering in their shrink-wrap in the heat of the midday sun, until a bacterial culture more deadly and virulent than anything in a CDC laboratory, had formed a crusty layer on the top half of the bun. I would peruse the tapes for as long as I could hold my breath, avoiding inhaling the noxious cheese-gas that would be emanating from near by.
On rarer occasions, I would be allowed to visit W.H. Smiths and choose a game from their software department. This was an altogether more refined experience, with proper lighting, air conditioning, completely devoid of any botulism-inducing food stuffs. If I found a game that I liked the look of, I would take the empty box up to the software counter, whereupon the person on serving duty would take it from me, retreating to a long row of multi-layered draws located behind the counter, running the near full length of the wall. These draws contained all of the tapes and games for all the various formats, so it would often take a couple of minutes to locate the correct tape. There was, of course, always the chance that they didn’t actually have the game in stock – this was in the days before automated stock control – so it was perfectly possible that the server would return to the counter empty handed, apologising that it wasn’t in stock and that you should come back another day. It was also quite common for staff to bundle the wrong tape in the box so that, upon returning home, you’d find that you had a Spectrum or Amstrad version of the game, which was totally useless.

During the four or so years that I owned the machine, I built up a considerable collection of tapes and boxes, certainly more than enough to fill three 30-litre storage boxes to the brim. It got to the point where I would spend more time actually locating the game that I wanted to play than I would actually playing the game itself.
Although a lot of software for the C64 was available on disk, cassette tape was by far the predominant format, being cheaper and more readily available to consumers. I don’t recall ever seeing disk versions of games on the shelves of W.H. Smiths, and they certainly weren’t available from newsagents. Tapes may have been cheap, but they were also unbelievably slow, often taking between 6 to 8 minutes to load, depending on the game. As the C64 only had 64K of memory (technically less because of the need to store low-level OS functionality), larger and more complex games would need to be loaded into memory in chunks. Speak to any C64 owner about the dreaded ‘multi-load‘ and you’ll see a flicker of horror on their face as they recall the pain of being forced to sit through multiple loading sessions between levels. Games were much harder back then and you would usually lose all of your lives and have to start right back at the the beginning of the game, but a multi-load game would usually require you to rewind the tape to the beginning and load the program all over again. It was not uncommon to spend more time loading data than you would actually playing the stupid game.

Another significant problem with cassette tapes was how temperamental they could be. There’s an adage that only computer users over a certain age will truly understand, which is that you should never, ever actually sit in front of the machine and wait for the software to load, because that would be a sure-fire way to have the tape loader corrupt precisely one femtosecond before the program was loaded into memory, forcing you to rewind the tape and start again. Instead, you were advised to leave the room completely – going to make a cup of tea for example – to make sure the computer thought that you were ignoring it; the computer would only ever load software if it thought that you didn’t actually care whether it loaded or not. The truth of the matter is that misalignment of the tape head was a well known cause of problems with software loaded from tape, as the signal strength could be too weak if the head didn’t meet the magnetic ribbon of the tape in precisely the right manner. Although most games worked perfectly fine, there was always a handful of games that always proved problematic, crashing back to the READY prompt, having managed load barely half of the data.

My dad, being the electronics whizz that he is, came to the rescue by conjuring up an ingenious solution to this problem. By taking an old datasette player, he installed a series of LEDs into the plastic housing just above the tape counter and did the necessary wiring inside so that they would light up to show the strength of the signal being read from the tape head. A thin screwdriver could be inserted through a hole in the datasette in line with the tape head to adjust the azimuth. By watching the movement of the LEDs it became possible to tweak the head alignment until the signal was strong enough so that the problematic game would eventually load – genius! Never having the confidence to do it myself, my dad would be summoned whenever a particularly troublesome tape needed a good ‘tweaking’.
Another great memory I have from this period is that this would also be the first computer where I would receive a monthly magazine. I have a vague recollection of standing in W.H. Smiths and looking in awe at all of the various gaming magazines on the shelves, when my mum told me I could choose one. Having perused the various options available, the one that stood out was Commodore Format (Future Publishing), a relative newcomer to the market intent on luring readers away from the then market leader, Zzap!64, published by rival firm Newsfield. With it’s bright, bold colours and unique brand of presentation, I found it far more exciting and engaging publication and was the magazine that I opted for.

In an age where on-demand content is the expected norm, it’s a sad thought that successive generations will never experience the sheer thrill of receiving the latest edition of your favourite gaming magazine. This would be the source of information, news and entertainment for the following month, especially if your parents could only afford to buy one mag.
Whenever I received a new copy of CF, there would be a ritual ‘consumption‘ of the magazine and words contained therein, rather like a gourmet dines on a three-course meal. As an aperitif, there would be a thorough appraisal of the games and demos included on that month’s Power Pack tape – one of the main reasons why CF and similar magazines were so popular – because you would normally get a couple of complete games (usually older titles), as well as a couple of demos from new, commercial titles. As an entree, I would quickly scan all the pages to determine content, paying closer attention to the reviews section, particularly the ‘Roger Frames Buys Bujit Games‘ (sic) to see what was included that month, making a mental note of articles that I would come back to later for a proper read. The main course would be a gradual, almost Sarlacc-like digestion of the various reviews, features and developer diaries, for I knew that this would have to last for an entire month. For dessert, I would read the various readers letters and comments sections, cheats pages and anything else of interest that I had not yet already consumed. Having completed this culinary delight, I would continue to feel increasingly ravenous as I waited the next edition, so much so that I would be left to pick scraps from the carcass, reading the various advertisements placed by the various games retailers in a desperate attempt to tide myself over until the next issue was out.

As fond as I was of my Commodore 64, it was clear that there were bigger and better things on the horizon. The prevalence and general affordability of 16-bit computers by the early 90s meant that gamers were taking more of an interest in superior platforms that included Commodore’s own Amiga computer, or Atari’s ST range. There would also be an increasing influence from Japanese console manufacturers, Sega and Nintendo, having found huge success in western markets and who now looked to Europe with hungry eyes. This gradual erosion of the C64 user-base meant that, with fewer potential software sales available, there seemed little incentive for developers to support the machine any further. I had left the C64 behind long before the slow decline, having moved to a Commodore Amiga 500 at some point in 1991, never bothering to look back.
The Commodore 64 had a commercial lifespan that, by my reckoning, was at least 12 to 15 years, remarkable longevity for any machine, particularly when you consider that Commodore itself released the original Amiga 1000 – a machine that made the C64 look like a pocket calculator – in 1985. Somehow, the ingenuity of developers meant that new tricks and technical discoveries were made that continued to push the machine to it’s very limits (and beyond), resulting in some truly amazing games and technical demos. This 8-bit marvel, along with machines like the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC, helped to revolutionise the computing industry, earning a special place in the hearts of millions of youngsters and adults across the globe.
And, thanks to the dedication of these fans, the story doesn’t end there. Coders continue to release new games for the system even to this day – check out at Sam’s Journey by Knights of Bytes – that simply defy all expectations as to what the machine is capable of. It’s these memories for Commodore’s little bread-bin that continues to fuel the passion for the machine, what inspires us to keep writing about it, to continue developing for it, and, most important of all, to keep remembering it. Having reached the end of this article, I hope to have done my part in not only keeping the memory of the Commodore 64 alive, but maybe to inspire some of those amongst you who have read this far, to do the same.
Great article! Really enjoyed it!
Glad you enjoyed it!