Atari 2600 Homebrew Games Getting A New Compendium Soon!

The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion by Brian Matherne

If you are slightly tuned to the Atari homebrew scene, you know it is alive, well and stronger than ever. Many great games have been created in the past years, including many of them being released as physical cartridges. Although most of the information about them comes from AtariAge forums, it is not easy to keep track of everything that is released.

To help us on that, Brian Matherne has taken the daunting task to create a multi-volume compendium covering specifically Atari 2600 homebrew games. He has spent a lot of time tracking them and keeping an online spreadsheet with all the data available for homebrew games produced in the past three decades and now he decided to make it into a book!

He started to write the first volume last January, and the production is a very advanced stage. This volume is planned to have 170 pages and will cover 34 titles that were released between 1995 and 2018, including full reviews, background stories about the game development, screenshots, instructions, and more.

I’ve talked to Brian about the project, and he looks excited about what he has accomplished so far, and believe the readers will also enjoy the book. He’s gotten help from Michael Salzman, who also has published a series of “unauthorized companion” books about the Atari 2600, available at

The book is almost finished, but Brian decided to take a different approach to what Michael Salzman took with his unauthorized series and have the permission/blessing of all the games developers that his book will cover.

The book will be released on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats. While the paperback edition will have B&W pictures to keep the costs down, the Kindle edition will feature full colours. The estimated price will be US$12 for the paperback and $2.99 for the Kindle edition (prices might change at the time of the publication).

Author: Paulo Garcia

17 thoughts on “Atari 2600 Homebrew Games Getting A New Compendium Soon!

    1. The problem with a color book is Amazon charges .012 cents per b&w page vs. .07 cents per color page (which comes out to $2.04 vs $11.90 before Amazon’s fixed cost of $.85/per book). The object was to make the book affordable to all, without going into the $25-$35 price range. I guess I can upload the book both ways and sell a b&w book and a color book, if there is enough interest for a color version.

      1. wow, that’s quite a difference. I’d still prefer the color book – even in that price range – a b/w book loses all the great colors (err yes, obviously) of the screenshots and (more important) of the great covers. A book about games lives by the vivid graphical art of the games – the more screenshots/covers/cartridge art the better.
        btw: a great book idea! Does the excerpt look like the final book (I hope not)?

        1. The first picture above is the 170+ pages shrunk down to 10% to fit the whole book in one picture. The second picture is actually what two pages look like in the book. I was trying to show how much text vs. pictures are within the book (with the first picture). Of course, those who use the Amazon Kindle will get the book in color.

        2. B&W version available today @Robbert Jansen – the kindle version will be posted in a day or 2 – and I will be uploading a color version, will have the change the title name because Amazon will not allow 2 books with same name. Probably do something like “Deluxe Edition” to the title.

    1. B&W version available today @Robbert Jansen – the kindle version will be posted in a day or 2 – and I will be uploading a color version, will have the change the title name because Amazon will not allow 2 books with same name. Probably do something like “Deluxe Edition” to the title.

  1. Got it today, read it today – and liked it: a very nice collection of some interesting homebrew game titles one may never heard of. I have given it a 4 of 5 star rating – I really don’t like the boring word layout with blue underlined hyperlinks and the amount of screenshots could be a little bit more on some titles, but the content (a lengthy write-up for every game!) is very nice! The color version is very recommended (albeit a little bit expensive)!

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