Trevor Storey has provided a number of updates to the various projects that he is collaborating on with the Georg Rottensteiner, Achim Volkers and Stuart Collier.
Organism is fast approaching a release date with the last round of bug fixing taking place before the title is ready to be unleashed on the eager C64 gaming community. Storey has indicated that some form of music demo will be included, show casing the work of the talented Saul Cross.
Storey also confirmed that they will be looking to ensure that Organism works well on C64 hardware, emulators and TheC64 Mini.

Sizzler is one of the perks for the Zzap!64 Annual 2019 Kickstarter and as the screenshot below illustrates, it is going to be one great looking platforming game.

As a surprise, Storey revealed screenshots of another title in very early development titled Age of Heroes, featuring impressive multi-colour graphics and a play style that appears to take inspiration from games such as Rastan Saga.

Finally, Storey continues to provide references to Blackstar and it appears to be the priority project once Organism, Rock Memphis and Sizzler are completed. Very little detail has been released on Blackstar but all preview screenshots released thus far point to it being a space cavern shooter type game with some impressive use of high resolution graphics.

Suffice to say that Trevor Storey and gang continue to be highly active in working on high quality game development projects for the Commodore 64 and we can’t wait to get our hands on the final releases of each and one of them.
Source: Facebook