Magnetic Scrolls classic masterpieces remastered for the Spectrum Next

Strand Games has announced that the illustrated text adventure games The Pawn, The Guild of Thieves and Jinxter from Magnetic Scrolls are now available in a remastered version for the ZX Spectrum Next. To make the news even more interesting, all their source code is on GitLab which means you can download these games for free.

Strand Games website explains that the original Magnetic Scrolls games (except Wonderland) were available for the Spectrum 128/+3 but as text-only games without graphics. The new and improved versions for Spectrum Next contain full graphics, take avantage of the new hardware features and use the remastered version of the games with playability improvements, bug fixes and, for Jinxter, additional graphics.

I talked via email to Stefan Bylund, the responsible for the Next ports and he told me that the Spectrum Next versions and the remastered versions for desktop and mobile systems (Windows/macOS/Linux/iOS/Android) use the exact same game story files and share the same underlying Magnetic Scrolls interpreter technology. The main difference is the UI. Whereas the Spectrum Next UI is more of a classical text adventure UI with text input and graphical illustrations, the UI for the modern systems has been adapted for touch screens and have advanced features like auto-mapping, compass indicator, highlighted links in the text than can be touched/clicked to invoke, an action sidebar and atmospheric in-game sound effects.

Strand Games plan to create remastered versions of all seven Magnetic Scrolls games (The Pawn, The Guild of Thieves, Jinxter, Corruption, Fish, Myth and Wonderland). Working with Strand Games, Stefan will convert each remastered version to Spectrum Next as they appear and in the meantime make sure that all classical non-remastered versions are converted.

As of now, all the remastered versions (The Pawn, The Guild of Thieves and Jinxter) have been converted as well as the classical versions of Corruption, Fish and Myth. Currently, Stefan is working on converting the classical version of Wonderland.

If you go to the GitLab page, there are detailed instructions on how to download and run the games on the Spectrum Next as well as on the emulators that supports this computer: CSpect and ZEsarUX.

If you don’t have a Next and dealing with emulators is not really your thing, you can enjoy the games on modern platforms as I mentioned earlier. The games can be played on Windows, macOS and Linux as well as iOS and Android devices.

Although the Next versions could easily be also available at a cost, Strand Games and Stefan decided to release them for free. For Stefan it was just a challenge that he decided to pursue for fun. As a fan of the Magnetic Scrolls games, he approached Strand Games with the idea and started collaborating with them.

In addition to remastering all the Magnetic Scrolls games, Strand Games plan to develop and release new text adventure games that will be sold commercially. These games will be based on a completely new technology and it’s not clear yet if that technology will be feasible to implement for the Spectrum Next. Let’s just hope for now!

For more information and to download the games check the links below!

Strand Games Next Project:

Remastered versions:

Classic versions:

Compilation of all versions:

ZX Spectrum Next Games pages for the remastered versions:

Author: Paulo Garcia

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