Retro Games Ltd Announces the winners of its 2020 Winter Retro Game Development Competition

Retro Games Ltd, producer of THEC64 and TheVIC20 held a game competition that has invited developers to create games for the VIC-20 and C64.

The compo got eight VIC20 games and four C64. The themes were all over the place, bringing a nice collection of new games for the two platforms. I confess I would expect the opposite, with more games for the C64, but it is nice to see how many passionate VIC-20 enthusiasts exist out there.

You can download all the games from Retro Games website. The games can be played on real machines, emulators, and of course, on both TheC64 and TheC64 mini and the TheVIC20.

Because the judges couldn’t decide the best between the VIC20 and the C64, they chose to elect one winner for each machine. For the VIC20, the winner is Cheesy Trials, and for the C64, Oy Up! – Both winners will get the full-size THEC64 and a micro switch joystick.

It was fun to play all the games to make this video. Congratulations to the winners and all other participants!

Link: Retro Games Ltd

Author: Paulo Garcia

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