Tag: Apple II Development

AppleCommander version 1.4.0 has been released

A new version of AppleCommander, a tool that manipulates Apple ][ disk images, has been released. The new version 1.4.0 brings the following changes: Updates: Migration from SourceForge to GitHub. This updates the boot code to point that out. AppleCommander would hang in an infinite loop if a directory wrapped in on itself. Fixed a filtering issue on Linux and…

ProDOS 2.4.2 – Apple II Disk Operating System gets new update

Apple II computer enthusiasts are fortunate to have a very active community and to reinforce that, John Brooks has announced via Call A.P.P.L.E (adding these dots is so laborious!) that a new release of ProDOS is available for download. This is a minor release bringing fixes for the major 2.4 version, released months ago. Release Notes: Bugs fixed: If a directory…

Apple II gs Build Pipeline for XCode Released

Jeremy Rand has announced the release of a build environment for the Apple IIgs that will please many MacOS users out there! The build pipeline for XCode (MacOS “native” development tool) was first demonstrated at this year’s Kansasfest, and after a few months of cleaning and tweaking was finally released on Github. Taken from Github’s README, the list of features…

Floppy Emulator for Apple II and Macintosh gets new revision

Floppy Emu is a Floppy Drive emulator for the Apple II and Macintosh classic.  It uses a removable SD memory card and custom hardware to mimic an Apple floppy disk and drive, or an Apple hard drive. The Emu behaves exactly like a real disk drive, requiring no special software or drivers. The new rev B brings welcoming new features:…

Coding with Burgerlib – Rebecca Heineman tells everything!

Rebecca Heineman has published the video she recorded during her Twitch streaming, where she talks about Burgerlib, a library that she’s been using for ages to develop games for Apple IIGS, Apple IIe and several other platforms. The video is about 1-hour long. During the first 20 minutes she talks about the history behind Burgerlib, its versions and its state…