Tag: Apple II RPG
Lawless Legends development started 9 years ago, even before I got involved with retro computing, but thanks to the developers’ love for the game and most of all, for the Apple II, the wait is almost over. The plan is to release the game this Summer, on July 4th. To make sure the game is 100% at launch, the developers…
Retrocomputing and retro gaming continue to get noticed by major news outlets. First was the New York Times with the article The Impractical but Indisputable Rise of Retrocomputing published on January 8th, and now Wired Magazine, with the article People Still Really Love the Apple II. Wired’s article is a bit more focused on a game that we are all…
After years of active development, 6502 Workshop has finally launched one of the most anticipated games in the retro gaming community. Starting today, December 12th, 2020, you can buy Nox Archaist for your Apple II. The game also includes a custom emulator so that you can run it on your PC or Mac with no hassle! Nox Archaist is a…
For all of us that have overlapping interest in game design and retro gaming, the GDC 2018 will hold an interesting presentation: Classic Game Postmortem: ‘The Bard’s Tale I and II’. Michael Cranford, the designer of the iconic RPG series first launched in 1985 will be the speaker. This session will explore the conception and development of Interplay’s ‘The Bard’s Tale…
6502 Workshop is developing Nox Archaist, a new tile-based, 8-bit, sword-and-sorcery role-playing game modeled after the iconic RPGs of the 1980s. The game is targeted to be delivered in December 2018 and can be played on a real Apple II or on PC and Mac via emulators. Nox Archaist is an Ultima-inspired, 8-bit, tile-based, role-playing game, developed on the old-school…