Tag: apple II

Oubliette 4 – Apple II Puzzle Game

To celebrate the return of Vintage is the New Old, our friend of the program and creator of the VITNO is Back logo, Daniel Henderson, has created a free Apple II game for the readers of the site. Oubliette 4 – Sir Edward Goes Forth is a puzzle game involving keys and gates and you must help Sir Edward get…

RPG for the Apple II, Mac, and PC ‘Nox Archaist’ Kickstarter is LIVE!

The 6502 Workshop team is pleased to announce that the Kickstarter campaign for the boxed edition of Nox Archaist is now live! Click here to pledge! What’s better than a brand new, hand-coded 8-bit classic 80s era tile based RPG?  Answer: One that comes in an awesome collector’s edition box with lots of cool physical goodies! What’s even better than that?  When…

KansasFest Registrations Are Open

KansasFest, the annual gathering of Apple ][ enthusiasts, is now open for 2018 registration. Users, programmers, hobbyists, and retrocomputing enthusiasts are invited to Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri, from Tuesday, July 17, through Sunday, July 22, for six days and five nights of sessions, demos, announcements, contests, and camaraderie. The keynote speaker this year will be Roger Wagner of…

Nox Archaist Kickstarter —Only 1 week Left!—

  There is still time to join Richard Garriott and Rebecca Heineman in playing Nox Archaist and get your hands on all the awesome feelies! http://kickstarter.noxarchaist.com   “I greatly look forward to exploring this realm!” –Lord British, Creator of Ultima “I can’t wait to play this game on my Apple IIgs!” –Rebecca Heineman, Creator of Bards Tale III   Click here to back…

Nox Archaist, New Role Playing Game in Development for A2 Hardware, Mac and PC by 6502 Workshop

Nox Archaist is a new role playing game in development by 6502 Workshop exclusively for the Apple II platform and emulators, with both floppy and hard disk support. Check out the latest mini story using the Nox Archaist engine to demo the newest features in the game: The Nox Archaist story line is still under development. Any names or characters used…

PC Engine gets Multiple Versions of Barbarian

UPDATE: You can now download all versions from the link here. Barbarian was first released for the Commodore 64 in 1987, along with the infamously controversial advert with did nothing to harm its exposure. It’s been converted to many formats but now the PC Engine is finally getting not just one, but multiple versions thanks to F.L. We’ve already had…

Apple II/C64 “Genius” Ported to Commodore Plus/4

Way back in 2014 an Apple II game called Genius “Into the Toy Warehouses” was released by Daniele Liverani. Hokuto Force then released Daniele’s c64 port preview version in early December 2016 and to follow a trainer version on December 28th. You play as “Genius” and your mission is to free all the toys that have been locked away. To free the toys you have…

Open Apple Podcast – What Is The Apple IIgs?

Open Apple podcast is now available for download to entertain you during your commute! This month’s episode brings a lenght interview with Alex Lee, the creator and maintainer of the “to-go” Apple IIgs website – What Is The Apple IIgs? “Alex walks through the history of IIgs emulators, and all the ways that the IIgs Finder was actually better than the Mac….

Open Apple podcast #64 – John Brooks, Tiger Learning Computer, Softalk

The fine folks over at the Open Apple podcast have just posted episode #64. This episode features a special interview (courtesy of Ken Gagne and Juiced.GS) with John Brooks about his recently-released, completely unexpected, and totally awesome ProDOS 2.4.1. Also, Mike trims down his A2 collection, and classic computing magazines get remembered. Link: open-apple.net Subscribe: iTunes Link: ProDOS 2.4

Open Apple Podcast #63 – Kate Szkotnicki, ProDOS 2.4, KansasFest

The latest episode of the Open Apple podcast has been released. Episode 63 covers a newcomer’s perspective on KansasFest, a new Apple ProDOS, and lots of other stuff, new and old. Link: open-apple.net Subscribe: iTunes