Tag: CoCo Crew Podcast
The traditional Retro Challenge is happening again throughout the month of April. The contest asks you to “do something interesting with an old computer, and blog about it for a month”. It is a great way to take that old project from the drawer and finish it. It could be a hardware project, a computer restoration, a new application or game,…
I believe the last thing that comes to mind when thinking of game cartridges is a program made for the Color Basic. That is in fact based all in prejudice and John Linville (CoCocrew podcast) came to help destroy the wrong assumption that that is impossible. John wrote an article on his blog, Retro Tinker, explaining how to prepare a…
LWTOOLS is a set of cross-development tools for the Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 microprocessors. It supports assembling to raw binaries, CoCo LOADM binaries, and a proprietary object file format for later linking. It also supports macros and file inclusion among other things. The version 4.14 has been released bringing the following changes, including explanations from the author: The “forwardrefmax”…
Updated on 1/5/2018 with more details on getting the XRoar emulator going (ROMs, xroar.conf file). See also: part 2 and part 3. In 1980, programming on a then-new Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer (“CoCo”) initially meant using Microsoft COLOR BASIC 1.0 with a glorious 4K of memory. More advanced programmers might have chosen to learn 6809 assembly language. With a…
Once again, John, Neil, and Mike Rowan are back to invade your podcatcher and green your screen with news, discussion, and Q&A about the Tandy Color Computer. This month, the Crew feature an interview with CoCo programmer Rick Adams and a tech segment on the SN76489AN audio card. Link: cococrew.org Subscribe: iTunes
Glen Hewlett has made a conversion from the Arcade version of Space Invaders, using Z80 CPU to the TRS-CoCo 6809 and we reported that a few days ago. Now he started a new project trying to port the Arcade version Pac-Man. Again the first runs on Z80, so Glen decided to write a blog about the steps he is following…
After three years of development, with several interruptions and side projects, the game Pop*Star Pilot for the CoCo3 has been released! Developed by Nick Marentes, the game consists of a colourful side-scroller in which the player controls an airplane that flies through different levels whilst popping up balloons. As well as taking care of the balloons, it is important you avoid buildings and keep…
Glen Hewlett has managed to convert Space Invaders from the original Intel 8080 Arcade source code to the Motorola 6809 that runs on the CoCo 3. He starts the article explaining that since he never understood Interrupts back in the 80’s, he decided to try to write something for the CoCo to practice some of the information he learned from John Linville…
CoCo Crew is the podcast about the TRS-80 Color Computer and episode 17 has been released, bringing announcements, news, and technical information about the CoCo. Some of the topics discussed during the podcast: What is the proper etiquette for extending someone else’s project? CoCo Dragon DOS controller compatibility Round Table – Six months until CoCoFEST! Games Corner – Color Max…