Tag: Extended Color BASIC
Chapters: 01 , 02 , 03, 04. The story so far: graphic performance is great! We have a notion of memory consumption and the base game idea direction, meaning, we have a designed player moving about. How does one start a game development? In my case and in general, by doing sketches, then mock ups for the target system, then I code the basic…
Chapters: 01 , 02 , 03. So far we were just testing non-purpose brute force semigraphics block pushing, but enough to get a direction to explore.Next step would be to get that direction aligned to some game design. I certainly now know that my skills with BASIC will be able to cut for a bunch of blocks in motion, so I need…
Chapters: 01 , 02 , 03 . So we were looking at reducing the gameplay from fighting games referenced on the last post.I thought the arcade Pong (1972) connects well, let’s see, as a kind of combat game, pong sports 2 players each controlling its own pad up and down and they have to bounce back a ball. The ball…
Chapters: 01 , 02 , 03. If you have seen my other project devlogs, you probably noticed I pull a lot inspiration from that title´s primeval computer. Yes it was were I self learned to do computer games, mostly with the aid of books and magazines from those times. After finishing The Outhouse game, which mimics the COCO´s semigraphics 4…
What programmers debated in the old days Nowadays people argue about object-oriented versus functional programming or dynamic versus static typing. But back in the day, it was all about structured programming. The brouhaha started with a letter E.W. Dijkstra wrote and which was published in Communications of the ACM in March of 1968 under the title “Go To Statement Considered Harmful“….
Updated on 1/5/2018 with more details on getting the XRoar emulator going (ROMs, xroar.conf file). See also: part 2 and part 3. In 1980, programming on a then-new Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer (“CoCo”) initially meant using Microsoft COLOR BASIC 1.0 with a glorious 4K of memory. More advanced programmers might have chosen to learn 6809 assembly language. With a…