BASIC09 Control Structures

What programmers debated in the old days

Nowadays people argue about object-oriented versus functional programming or dynamic versus static typing. But back in the day, it was all about structured programming. The brouhaha started with a letter E.W. Dijkstra wrote and which was published in Communications of the ACM in March of 1968 under the title “Go To Statement Considered Harmful“. That is well before the start of personal computing, but OTOH personal computing seems to have gone through many of the same stages as general computing (and as late as March 1987 CACM published another letter, titled “‘GOTO Considered Harmful’ Considered Harmful“). Structured programming did win out (to my delight as a bit of a fanatic on the issue)–at least until the aforementioned more recent differences of opinion came up.

In those early days, one of the stock examples of languages not supporting structured programming was FORTRAN 66. One must admit that the Microsoft BASIC interpreters of the early days of personal computing have one advantage over FORTRAN 66: they have IF…THEN…ELSE, though such statements are confined to one line. Aside from that, though, and aside from the FOR loop and GOSUB, all control flow is done with GOTO.

(I was going to say “Well, at least it doesn’t have the FORTRAN arithmetic IF, but you can roll your own with ON…GOTO. We leave it as an exercise for the reader.)

BASIC09, however, has the control structures one wants for structured programming… mostly.  Actually, it has most of the control structures of older BASICs but also supports structured programming–again, mostly. (See “It’s not perfect…” below.)


BASIC09 has the old style BASIC IF statement,

IF <Boolean expression> THEN <line number>

but you can also write

IF <Boolean expression> THEN

where the brackets mean the ELSE and statements following it are optional. If the expression is TRUE, it will execute the statements between THEN and ELSE; otherwise it will execute any statements between ELSE and ENDIF.


BASIC09 has several varieties of loop.

FOR loops

Of course, it has the FOR loop that we all know and perhaps love; we needn’t say much about it here.

WHILE loops

The WHILE loop is a loop with a test at the top. That test is an expression of type BOOLEAN. It’s evaluated, and if the value is FALSE, you’re done. Otherwise it executes the loop body (i.e. the code down to the matching ENDWHILE) and then evaluates the test again.

REPEAT loops

The REPEAT loop tests at the bottom, so its body (from REPEAT through the matching UNTIL) is always executed at least once. At the end, the test expression is evaluated, and if it’s TRUE, it goes through the loop body again; if FALSE, control flows on to the following statement.

LOOP loops

Some loops don’t fit nicely into the above varieties:

  • Some programs are intended to run indefinitely (e.g. a server, or a cron program)
  • Some loops are the kind that run “n-and-a-half” times; that is, they have some code to run before the loop test. It doesn’t fit into a REPEAT and certainly not a FOR. Using WHILE will mean replicating that setup code–which not only violates DRY (“don’t repeat yourself”) but wastes RAM.

A LOOP loop will execute the code between LOOP and the matching ENDLOOOP forever unless it contains an EXITIF statement. EXITIF statements have the form

EXITIF <Boolean expression> THEN

If the Boolean expression evaluates to TRUE, then the statements between THEN and ENDEXIT are executed and control passes out of the enclosing loop. Note that I didn’t write LOOP; you can use an EXITIF….ENDEXIT inside any loop.

It’s not perfect…

BASIC09 control structures aren’t perfect, though those imperfections are mostly places where it only provides the constructs common to other BASICs of the time.


Most languages that have a structured IF like BASIC09’s also have an “ELSEIF” or “ELIF” construct so you can also write

IF <Boolean expression> THEN
ELSEIF <Boolean expression> THEN

Actually it’s more general than that–you can write as many ELSEIF clauses as you want. The way to write it in BASIC09 ends up looking like

IF <Boolean expression> THEN
  IF <Boolean expression> THEN

when prettyprinted, so that a chain of such decisions creeps off to the right.


Instead of providing something like the SELECT statement that, for example, True BASIC has, BASIC09 has the old style computed GOTO and GOSUB.


Instead of letting one attach error handling to a group of statements in the fashion of try/catch or the True BASIC WHEN ERROR IN, BASIC09 has the old style ON ERROR GOTO.

…but it’s better.

In Color BASIC just about any non-FOR loop has to be implemented with GOTO–but as “Mr. E” from an episode of Recess would say, that comes at a terrible price. I suspect that Allen Huffman will write on the subject in his “Make BASIC Fast Again” series, but here’s a small taste. First, BASIC09 code:

DIM sum,powerOfTwo:INTEGER
UNTIL powerOfTwo>=16

(I swear that I didn’t intend any wordplay, though I suddenly want some Chinese food.) Now, a straightforward rendering in Color BASIC:

100 S=0:P2=1
110 S=S+P2:P2=P2+P2
120 IF P2<16 THEN 110

Then a Color BASIC version that avoids the GOTO:

100 S=0:P2=1
110 FOR I=0TO0STEP0:S=S+P2:P2=P2+P2:I=(P2<16):NEXT

I couldn’t quite force myself to put it all on one line. Now, let’s compare the BASIC09 version with this last version:

  • Which is easier to read? Of course, it depends to an extent on what you’re used to, but as they said in the days before Craig’s List, “White space DOES increase readership!”, and legibility as well. BASIC09’s prettyprinter gives you that white space and indentation without making you type it, and since it’s generated for the listing, not stored, it comes at no cost in execution time.
  • Which is easier to understand? Actually, that’s two questions.
    • In which version is the meaning of the variables clearer? I think that answers itself. Here we should point out that Color BASIC is willing to let you enter long variable names, but since only the first two characters matter, doing so is misleading. In Color BASIC, MUMBLE and MURMUR  both refer to the same variable, MU.
    • Which version can you explain to someone? The BASIC09 version hardly needs explanation. On the other hand, I came up with the second Color BASIC version purely by experimentation, and frankly I can’t explain it. Here’s the kicker. Change that PRINT statement to print both S and I, and you’ll find that I is zero–so how did it get out of the loop?

I hope that this shows the advantages of structured programming, and thus of BASIC09.

Author: James Jones
Programmer since 1971. First heard of a Unix-like OS for 6809-based computers called OS-9 in the early 1980s, and went to work for a fellow so I could use his Smoke Signal Broadcasting Chieftain and learn more about OS-9. Eventually Microware Systems Corporation, the creators of OS-9, offered me a job, and I spent fifteen years mostly working on compilers. In passing got a Tandy CoCo 3, and an MM/1 , a MM/1a, and a VME-bus box to run OS-9/68000. After a brief flirtation with OS/2 Warp, I switched to Linux and haven't looked back--much--though I will use Windows under duress--er, when necessary. Now I enjoy this era in which skilled hobbyists can do things we'd have killed for back in the day for insanely little money (even ignoring how little dollars are worth now)--I hope that now we will get the kind of computer the CoCo could have become

8 thoughts on “BASIC09 Control Structures

  1. Turns out that in the twisted Color BASIC version of REPEAT/UNTIL (actually closer to C do while), it suffices to have the FOR statement as FOR I=0 TO 0. Shorter, and makes a perverse sort of sense once you understand that Color BASIC represents “true” as -1 and “false” as 0.

    1. Nearly all BASIC dialects use -1 as boolean true since it is the two’s complement of the binary 11111111 (all bits true).

    1. For me under Chrome it claims it will take 60 pages and in preview shows the body of the article in a narrow strip a few characters wide, with the space mostly devoted to the surrounding material.

  2. Stefan, I apologize for that. To be honest I never tried to print an article. Although I don’t see the same problem as you and Allen see, I see the printing layout for an article is not good, as it tries to display the site layout as you see on screen. I am gonna try to find a good alternative for printing only the article itself.

  3. Further experimentation shows that Color BASIC will in fact always go through a FOR loop at least once; FOR I=5 TO 2:PRINT I:NEXT on a CoCo will print 5. I don’t have an urge to buy the ANSI BASIC standards, but I did try out the online DTSS (Dartmouth Time Sharing System) emulation, which emulates the original BASIC, and it actually tests the first time, and FOR I=5 TO 2 won’t execute the loop body at all. So REPEAT UNTIL turns into
    FOR X=-1 TO -1 STEP 0: : X=:NEXT
    but a WHILE loop requires an explicit test before the FOR, so the condition is repeated.

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