Tag: Pixel
We all know that it is almost certain that video-game adaptations for the big screen will be terrible (Pixel?). Also last year, in a wave of incredibility, it was announced that a live-action ‘epic sci-fi movie’ based on Tetris was being developed, but this time we are talking about another movie, more in the lines of Social Network. The film…
AsT just released v1.131 of his graphical tool named iMPdraw. It’s a WIP, so it is time to suggest all the features which may be useful to you in this dedicated thread. AsT & TotO are currently working on the v2.0, managing fullscreen pixelart work. Download: iMPdraw v1.131 (Impact).zipWebsite: http://pushnpop.netCPCWiki Thread: http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/
Before you wet your pants in excitement, this is not a game in any shape or form and unlikely to ever be one. This is Concept Pixel Art by Andy Little over at pixeljoint.com.Here’s some words from the talented artist himself..Long time lay this work.. And finally I finished it. Let’s imagine that we have the second part of the…
[youtube KhExOQMMwfc nolink] Two ships battle an endless war in space and time!Redshift Blueshift is a vicious hyper-paced tournament-style pong-like 2D shooter in which two pilots fight for glory in their variable paddle ships! Power up your shields, unleash a horde of drones and homing missiles on your opponent and keep the hyper-ball in play! Play with two players, single…
[youtube FIZ_gDOrzGk nolink] Featuring excellent pixel art and some self-deprecating humor from the very talented Paul Robertson. Co-created with fellow artist Ivan Dixon and featuring Jeremy Dower’s chiptune remix of the Simpsons theme tune, Robertson’s video (via Polygon) is a one-minute-forty-second love letter packed with references to the show and gaming alike. The animation itself is really cool and well-directed,…