Tag: ZX Speccy

The 15 Greatest ZX Spectrum Games Ever Made

The Den of Geek website has published one of those (in)famous lists that you see all over the internet. This one talks about the 15 greatest games even made for the ZX Spectrum. The site is not oriented directly to retro gamers so maybe you won’t agree with every choice, but with Elita, Manic Miner and R-Type, the author was…

ZX Enhanced Compo 2016 – Only 'pimped out' ZX Speccy allowed!

This compo is really interesting. While most compos would not allow anything other than standard machines, ZX Enhanced takes the opposite approach. Only ZX Spectrum compatible machines that have some enhancement can participate. The compo rules state that “target platforms must be equipped with various extensions like graphic modes other than ‘6912’, RAM above 128kB, CPU clock frequency above 3.5MHz…