Tag: ZX Spectrum Next

Saboteur! ZX Spectrum Next

Saboteur! is a stealth action-adventure game created by Clive Townsend and published by Durell Software in 1985 for several 8-bit home computer formats, most notably the ZX Spectrum. Who would of thought 38 years later an updated version of this game would be released. Yes that’s right, the ZX Spectrum Next version of Saboteur is coming. Check out Rowlands Reviews…

Tiny Peter, ZX Spectrum Next

You are a medical nanobot called Tiny Peter. You have been sent inside the body of a sickly alien to help cure it of its disease. You have to make contact with the diseased cells in each area to remove them. But also be careful of the alien’s natural defences which will sap your battery power on contact! Tiny Peter…

Bean Brothers, ZX Spectrum Next

Bean Brothers is a fun and challenging platform game for ZX Spectrum Next. You control two characters, Fabe and Lubi, who must work together to beat the game’s 40 levels. Sharpen your platforming skills, you may need them for dodging enemies and perform difficult jumps, but beware – your partner may be in danger and you should switch quickly to…

RetroShop announces the first ZX Spectrum Next Clone Board

RetroShop from Portugal has announced that next week will start taking pre-orders for their new ZX Spectrum Next clone boards. If you have missed the two Kickstarted for the complete ZX Spectrum Next or for some reason you are looking for another bare board, that is your chance! The new board contains the fix to the known HDMI problem that…

ZEsarUX 9.0 – ZX Spectrum emulator gets major update, including MSX, Colecovision emulation support

The well-regarded ZEsarUX emulator reached version 9.0 bringing a foot-long list of new features and improvements, notably the addition to non-Sinclair machines like MSX, Colecovision, Spectravideo, and SEGA SG-1000. ZEsarUX is open-source and multiplatform, having off-the-shelf installers for Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry PI, and many others. Initially created to be a ZX Spectrum emulator, Cesar Hernandez’s program quickly extended its…

100% of the ZX Spectrum Next units delivered! What’s is next? (pun intended)

With an emotional post on Kickstarter, Henrique Olifiers has announced that the first campaign has finally come to an end, with all ZX Spectrum Next units delivered to the backers. Everything started four years ago, when Four Henrique Olifiers, Victor Trucco, Fabio Belavenuto and Rick Dickinson embarked on this journey to bring the ZX Spectrum back to like, creating the…

First days with the ZX Spectrum Next – This is not a review!

Back in 2017, I was pretty excited about the ZX Spectrum Next crowdfunding campaign and the whole idea of the modern retro computer. However, I remember to tell people that the “Next” part of the project wasn’t that interesting to me. As a “purist” retro collector, I didn’t care too much about a modern computer with modern capabilities but with…

ZX Spectrum Next “Zero Day” Update now available

As the first users start to receive their ZX Spectrum Next, they have already available an update for the Next Core, NextZXOS and support programs. The update brings all enhancements made after the Next got into production. In a recent Facebook post, Phoebus Dokos lists the changes: includes Lords of Midnight by Matt Davies (aka WAHH Industriesâ„¢) AND Night-Knight by Mr. David Saphier…

Have you missed the first ‘ZX Spectrum Next’ wave? There is still hope!

If you hang out on the ZX Next Facebook group, it is relatively common to see people asking how to buy it if you are not a backer of the first campaign, which points to an increasing interest in the machine we learn to love to wait (!) It looks like there is still hope for those that missed the…

The MagPi magazine issue 88 is all about Retro Computing

Retrocomputing and the maker movement has a close connection. The curiosity, innovation and tinkering spirit are present in the Raspberry PI (and others) community as much as it was present during the dawn of the personal computing era. To confirm that even more, the recently released issue 88 of The MagPI features many articles about retrocomputing and retrogaming. The magazine…