Original Commodore 64C Computer Housing in New Cool Colours

5531688d7fa1e05f1514ebb061d83279_largeIt’s finally happened, the one thing all you Retrogamers have been longing for!
A Kickstarter project has started to bring your old Commodore 64 back to life with brand new original Commodore 64c casing! The target goal is $10,000 and it has already reached $6,502! Looks like this may become a reality! Currently you can choose from three different colours, Red, Blue and White, but we are hoping they might possibly listen to the fanbase and do transparent and original Commodore beige.

No one seemed to be interested in the history the high grade steel molds represented. I knew if I didn’t purchase these molds, they were headed to the scrapyard as the gross weight of the two molds (one set for the upper housing and one set for the bottom housing) was over 5000 pounds and the owner was closing up shop and selling the warehouse. My emotional attachment to what the Commodore 64C meant to me as a child would not allow me to let them go to the scrapyard, and they became mine.

So if you fancy a brand spanking new C64c case to replace your current ageing yellow one, head over to Kickstarter and make your pledge!

Website: https://www.kickstarter.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/com64kickstarter

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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