Darren Doyle has posted in our Amiga Friends Facebook group a digital painting inspired by the scene with the fist mid-level boss. He says:
“Somebody in one of the Amiga Groups posted a digital painting of a scene from Turrican, the scene with the fist mid-level boss and I really loved this image, as did the other chap who posted it and I promised I would return with a cover version digital painting of the scene in a classical style, I chose to paint it in the “Benson” style strokes, no plugins were used in creating this cool image, so I hope the guy who posted the original sees this and gets it for his a print on his wall. Enjoy everyone”
I like it so much that I am considering to print one copy for me, and I also thought that you dear friendly visitor would like, too.
You can download the full resolution image clicking on the link below.