Spring Warrior – New game for MSX has been released

spring-warriorOniric Factor has published Spring Warrior, for the MSX2 – a platformer that, according to the developer, reminds City Connection gameplay but with some differences that they hope will please all the gamers.

The game has fifteen levels divided into three different sections, which keep adding new types of enemies that will force you to change your playing strategy.

A nice addition is that there is a random level generator, making each time you play the game a different experience.

Differently of the previous titles, this one brings PSG in-game music, composed by WYZ MSX.

Link: Oniric Factor
Download: Spring Warrior

Author: Paulo Garcia

2 thoughts on “Spring Warrior – New game for MSX has been released

    1. Oh, that is too bad. I asked about it on the developer website. I will update if he responds. THanks

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