Latest releases over at CSDb are as follows:
VChar64 V0.1.0, Galza-24 (C64 Edition), Combat Maze – Nightmare Level, Combat Maze – Alien Level, Combat Maze – Title Track, Jumpman Edit V0.9, Uni Games Preview V0.24, Regenerator 1.7 Multi System, SevenEleven, Virtuoso 0.99, 20 Years HVSC, High Voltage SID Collection v65, ASM-Version of V2 Basic Starfield Intro with smooth Scrolling (ASM beginner level), Unit-A intro screen for SOTA#4, Sounds of the Amiga #4, Cornelia, Led Board, SID Known v1.12, Die! Alien Slime +8D, t64fix 0.1, Temptations, Kill the Alien, Happy Birthday hedning, Demonix Intro “PETSCII Devil”, Breakaway V1.1, Happy Birthday!!, Triace40, Super Breakout Preview +, Hover Raider RX +2H [seuck], Winter Green, Caverns, Paintress +2, Introtune for Itch, Att17ude, Laxity Intro #68 (Stripes/RAM Saver 4), Planet Golf Preview +1D, Tribute to TRIAD, Planet Golf Preview, Attitude #17, C64ColQuiz +1H, Space Invadaz Extra Preview, Yatzy, Gnative, Udda tryck, Gula Blend Man, We are 64, Demonstrationsprogram för VIC=64, Borderline Waltz, Broken Beauty, CSDb in the Matrix, Shark, Android, awake., Another Flock of Seagulls, Biste Clown, saeufste Schaum, As We Advance in Years, Age We Aceeed, Miomodo, We/Shades, Richard Grattis Megademo, Systeam D-D, But We Loved Her, Reflexion Intro, LineLux, SOS30 at Gubbdata, Glitch Gangsta [party version], P, One Bit Wonder, ResurreXXXion, Moppekalas-86, Life of Leif, Substral Hyperwaves V, Ocean Unloaded, Mission Prostol, Amor Punga, GeoAnas, Drunken Fallout, Robot Sensuality, To Die For, 2 Days, Ruins, Nothing Compares 2 EU, S3C23TS, THI2T33N, Suspended in DATA, Mouse, Bug Dance, Haj Haj Edison, Miami Cops, Eden C Sixty-Four, Korvsatan, Gubbasour, Data Dungeon, Terror, Myopia 4 the Future, Keys of Fury, Green Falcon, Duelling Invaders, Glad Gubbe, Dichotomy Dissolving, Cloc
kwork Friend, Elsewhere, Classics, Nothing but PETSCII, Cock Picture, Monochrome, In memory of, Valleys of Europe, Her Web is the City at Night, F-Clash 64 [seuck], Euro Spy, C64ColQuiz, Eleven Sins, Movie Noperator V1.1.0, Counting Floors, Bob’s Your Uncle, Blaster Twins Preview, Mousetest V2, SIDistic, Amor Gusano.
Website: CSDb