RC2018/04 – 4MB geoRAM Development – Part 2

Last weekend we finished the PCB layout and sent it out for manufacturing. The PCB is 83x58mm and fits into a standard Commodore cartridge case. All the ICs are through holes except the DRAM chips. If everything goes well I will receive the boards sometimes next week, just in time for a final blog entry.

PLD Code

As mentioned in part 1 all the logic except the two registers and the address multiplexers have been combined in a single 16V8 PLD. The language of choice for this project is CUPL. It’s one of the oldest hardware description languages conceived. It’s somewhat limited in capability, but it’s simple and freely available.

The PLD  performs 3 main functions: it generates the strobes for the two registers, generates the OE# and WE# signals for the DRAMs and it contains the state machine driving RAS# and CAS# to the DRAMs.

The register strobes are quite simple:
REGW0 = ! (PH2 & !IO2 & !RW & A6 & A7 & !A0);
REGW1 = ! (PH2 & !IO2 & !RW & A6 & A7 & A0);

REGW0# will be asserted when PHI2 is high, I/O2# is low, R/W# is low and the address two most significant bits are set while the least significant bit is zero. REGW1# is the same except the least significant bit is set.

The DRAM OE# and WE# are equally simple:
OE = IO1 # !PH2 # !RW;
WE = IO1 # !PH2 # RW;

OE# is asserted when I/O1 is asserted, PHI2 is high and R/W# is one (read). WE# is the same but R/W# should be zero.

The really interesting part of the design is the state machine. Compared to the original design it contains two major improvements. The original design had somewhat marginal timing and used a pull up resistor to sharpen the dot_clock rising edge and the propagation delay of the 74LS194 to properly align the RAS#, SEL and CAS# transitions within the available PHI2 half cycle. The new design instead uses the falling edge of dot_clock to trigger the state machine. This edge is much sharper (the commodore is mostly NMOS/TLL machine and the rising edges are significantly worse than the falling edges) so it produces much more stable timings vs. relying on rise times and propagation delays.

The state machine has 7 states:

[vtftable ]
{f1}State ;;;{f1}RAS# ;;;{f1}SEL ;;;{f1} CAS# ;nn;
IDLE;;;1 ;;;1 ;;;1 ;nn;
MT1;;;0 ;;;1 ;;;1 ;nn;
MT2;;;0 ;;;0 ;;;1 ;nn;
MT3;;;0 ;;;0 ;;;0 ;nn;
REF1;;;1 ;;;1 ;;;0 ;nn;
REF2;;;1 ;;;0 ;;;0 ;nn;
REF3;;;0 ;;;1 ;;;0 ;nn;

The second improvement to the state machine is the auto reset. The original design had a fairly complex reset mechanism to ensure the memory control signals were properly aligned with PHI2 during system reset. In case of abnormal operation, if the state machine would get out of sync, the only way to recover it would be a system reset. The new design instead uses a self resetting mechanism. At the end of every half PHI2 cycle the state machine checks if it is in one of the allowed states, if not it automatically skips to the IDLE state. It is interesting to note that the MT3 and REF3 states were collapsed into one in the original design. being able to distinguish between the two ensures the state machine can reset within half PHI2 cycle.

sequence state {
present IDLE
if PH2 next MT1;
default next REF1;

present MT1
if PH2 next MT2;
default next IDLE;
presetn MT2
if PH2 next MT3;
default next IDLE;
present MT3
if PH2 next MT3;
default next IDLE;

present REF1
if !PH2 next REF2;
default next IDLE;
present REF2
if !PH2 next REF3;
default next IDLE;
present REF3
if !PH2 next REF3;
default next IDLE;

The CUPL syntax is not the most readable. To summarize an IDLE state machine initiates a memory transaction if PHI2 is high or a refresh cycle if PHI2 is low. During either one type of cycle it advances to the next state unless it detects a PHI2 toggle. In this cases it returns to the IDLE state. If the state machine is in the last state of a cycle and it does not detect a PHI2 toggle it will remain in that state until a toggle is detected.

4 thoughts on “RC2018/04 – 4MB geoRAM Development – Part 2

    1. At this moment RTC is not planned. According to a quick research I have done it seems a lot easier and compatible to add RTC on the IEC bus (most implementation of SD2IEC have this capability). In any case I am open to discuss alternative implementations.

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