ZZap!64 is a magazine published in UK from 1985 to 1992 that covered the C64 and other Commodore computers. The magazine scans have been around for a long time but if you are one of those that sometimes wish for a better scan, you are lucky because it is now available on Internet Archive the full run of the magazine scanned in 600dpi, which means 5104 x 7016 pixels.
At first, that seems to be an overkill, but in my experience, many British magazines of that time had fancy layout and colors, which makes harder to read small texts or program listings that are placed over a darker background, for example. Having a hires version really helps to get the details right.
Since everything has a price, the gorgeous scans also bring their price tag: the file size. Each magazine ZIP file size averages around 1.5GB (yes, no typo there, GB!). If you have a super speedy connection it might take around 10-15 minutes to download each issue. Also, before you download, it is important to clarify that each ZIP file contains jpeg files for each one of the pages, not a single PDF file. There is also a torrent link that is more suitable for big downloads like that (Note: There is a comment in the Archive page saying that the torrent is incorrect, recommending downloading the ZIP file directly – I didn’t verify that, though).
If you are just curious about the scan quality, we, at Vintage is The New Old, are always here for you so we downloaded one of the files and made one page available for you!
Link: Internet Archive
Link: Single Page Sample (JPG)