Retro Revisited: Wrath of the Demon (Amiga)

In the words of Charles Caleb Colton, imitation is often considered to be the sincerest form of flattery. Never was there a truer word spoken than when it comes to Wrath of the Demon, an arcade adventure game developed by Canadian developer Abstrax.

Released in 1991 for the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST 16-bit computing platforms, Wrath of the Demon was clearly a title built without compromise, boasting stellar production and presentation values designed to eclipse it’s rivals. The benchmark for graphical fidelity had been set with the release of Shadow of the Beast and it’s subsequent sequels on the Amiga by Reflections Interactive a year or so previously and, intentionally or otherwise, Abstrax game would prove be something of a broadside against it’s British rival.

So intent must have Abstrax been in their quest to make their game bigger and better than Reflection’s efforts, they even went as far as employing David Whittaker, creator of Shadow of the Beast’s haunting and ethereal melodies, to lend his creative talents in the production of the soundtrack for their own game! Sharing the same panpipes and breathy samples from his earlier masterpiece, the end result perhaps isn’t quite as as iconic, but it’s still incredibly atmospheric and is a great fit with the overall theme of the game.

Dark tidings are afoot at the game’s outset, for there is evil abroad and no safe hiding place left in the entire kingdom. Anthrax, court wizard to King Luther, appears to be generally discontented with this lot and, in revolutionary style, conceives a plot to depose his lord and master, seeking to usurp the throne and claim the kingdom for himself. Invoking the black arts to summon a powerful Demon from the nether realm, Anthrax’s intent is to subjugate the unwilling hell-spawn, dominating the creature and have it carry out his bidding.

Unfortunately, the summoning ritual does not yield the desired results, for the resultant Demon is considerably more powerful than Anthrax could have foreseen. More powerful than Anthrax himself, the Demon casts off it’s bonds, breaking free of the summoner’s control. No longer constrained by it’s eldritch bonds, the Demon proceeds to wreak havoc upon the fair Kingdom, reducing the once-fertile lands to little more than ash and unleashing it’s forces upon an unsuspecting populace.

Content with it’s victory, the Demon descends into a long slumber. During it’s repose, mankind manages to establish a new Kingdom with power and influence that extends beyond even that of the original. Sensing mankind’s return, the Demon awakes and embarks on a new campaign of terror against it’s foes in a bid for total domination.

In one final act of defiance, the King dispatches a messenger to seek out a champion who might prove to be their salvation, one who possesses the courage, skill and tenacity to seek out the Demon and bring an end to it’s reign of terror once and for all.

The messenger eventually reaches a small hamlet where the champion is believed to reside, but the Demon has been far from complacent, itself sending forth a grotesque harbinger of doom to slay the messenger and to prevent the royal scroll from ever reaching our hero. It’s at this particular point in the story that the game begins, depicting the fateful (and gruesome) events unfold in a lavish and beautifully rendered introduction sequence that sets the scene for what is to come.

Although the messenger meets an untimely demise at the hands of the Demon’s henchman, our champion manages to recover the remains of the blood-stained missive from the messengers corpse, finally succeeding in reaching the court of the king to hear his request. Having agreed to purge the land from evil and armed with little more than a strong arm and a sharp blade, our hero departs into the wilderness on his quest to slay the Demon and restore peace to land.

What follows is an adventure of epic proportions as our bare-chested hero travels the land whilst seeking out the Demon’s lair. The road to victory is both long and arduous, fraught with peril and danger at every turn – with many trials and hardships to overcome, you’ll need to be on the top of your game if you hope to ever reach the game’s conclusion.

The opening level commences in suitably grandiose fashion in a sequence that depicts the champion’s journey across the land, mounted atop his trusty steed. From the moment that the stage commences, you cannot help but drink in the the sheer beauty of the artwork and flawlessly smooth scrolling on display and it’s a testament to both the ingenuity of the programmers and creative talents of the various artists who worked on the project.

Beyond the opening level, the gameplay follows a largely consistent formula whereby the player must first complete a side-scrolling or ‘journey’ phase, where the player must explore the surrounding environment, taking care to avoid all manner of monsters, traps and other perils left lying in wait.

Taking damage from monster attacks, traps or the environment will incur a point of damage, removing a segment of health from the status gauge located at the top left of the screen. Your champion is a robust and hardy fellow to be sure, but some of the levels can be particularly challenging and you’ll often find your life hanging in the balance by a gossamer thread, with the merest sliver of life-force remaining.

It’s during moments such as these that you’ll want to ensure that you have a spare healing draught or two in reserve, with which you can restore your health. Certain enemies have a small chance to drop such potions when vanquished, as well as other concoctions that bestow a range of status effects on the player when imbibed. The shield potion proves to be particularly effective in that it grants temporary invulnerability to all incoming damage, whilst the thunderbolt spell acts as an arcane smart-bomb, destroying most normal enemies in the immediate vicinity.

Separating each ‘journey’ stage will be an encounter where the player must engage a powerful guardian in battle in order to unlock the way ahead. During these sections, the champion will unsheathe his sword and engage in melee combat. The combat mechanic is fairly straightforward: directional input will move to the left and right, while depressing the fire-button and pushing on the joystick will swing an attack in the specified direction. Success in these stages depends on observing your foe’s movement and attack patterns, launching counterattacks at precisely the correct moment while ensuring not to take too much damage in return.

I think that it’s a fair assessment that if Abstrax primary goal was to produce a game with creative flair and graphical fidelity beyond equivalent titles of the time then the studio undoubtedly succeeded in it’s endeavours. The game is simply gorgeous to look at and possesses some of the best-looking visuals on not just the Amiga, but of any equivalent system of the day. The artwork is of a consistently high standard throughout the game, featuring highly-detailed animations and a colour scheme that works within the confines of the machine’s colour palette. Shadow of the Beast and it’s sequels were renowned for their refined visuals and impressive parallax scrolling effects, but Abstrax proved that they were clearly up to the task in developing something that looks every bit as good, if not superior to Reflection’s games.

Far less successful, however, would be the decision to adhere quite so rigidly to the gameplay template set out by Shadow of the Beast, it’s sequels and so many similar titles. Not only does Wrath of the Demon make many of the same mistakes that it’s predecessors did, but is even more tiresome thanks to it’s over-reliance on obstacle avoidance and requiring the player to have split-second reactions.

It could simply be age catching up with me, but I simply didn’t have quick enough reactions to deal with most of the foes without prior knowledge of their placement within the level, resulting in the majority of the game being tremendously frustrating. Although it is possible to counteract this issue to a certain degree by shuffling forwards so as not to trigger the various enemies or traps prematurely, the tactic results in a gameplay experience far too staccato for my tastes, producing wholly less enjoyable experience than I would have liked.

A further issue I encountered while playing was that the difficulty curve proved to be quite unpredictable, particularly with regards to the fight sequences against the various bosses. Certain encounters, such as the fight against the moss-covered swamp-being, proved to be ridiculously easy, whereas others were so hard that they’d simply grind me into a paste.

If you found the earlier parts of the game to be laborious, the final chapter proves to be even more stultifying, requiring you to pace the near-unending corridors and hallways of the Demon’s inner sanctum. From the illogical map layout with branching exits, to locating switches and keys required to progress, the developers are unashamed in their use of every possible delaying tactic, resulting in a section that is almost as long as the rest of the game.

If and when you do finally make it to the final showdown with the Demon itself, you’ll be forgiven for finding it an underwhelming and somewhat anticlimactic experience. Given that both the game’s manual and introduction sequences portray it to be a near-omnipotent being of supreme power, it really does seem quite laughable that when you finally enter his lair and discover that it appears to have gotten itself wedged in a hole in the middle of the floor. Stuck inside this tiny chamber, I suppose his current predicament explains why he has been summoning creatures to do to take over the kingdom, being too portly to leave and do the job himself!

I suppose that, on reflection, the reality of the matter is that it would have proved difficult to depict the Demon as a truly huge and domineering opponent when given the restrictions of available screen space and resolution. Anyone who made it to the final fight against the Beast Lord in Shadow of the Beast will remember the laughable depiction of a giant, pustule-encrusted foot, so I suppose that Abstrax can be forgiven by choosing to depict the Demon in such a way as to be buried below the floor in an effort to convey a sense of scale relative to the player.

The actual fight is far from engaging, amounting to little more than casting spells at the Demon and avoiding the fireballs he launches in return. As you might expect, the Demon has an incredibly tough constitution and you’ll need to land many hits before it finally succumbs to your might. If there’s one redeeming moment in this entire segment, I will concede that the death animation that ensues is both epic and gory in equal measure.

I also found myself asking a whole host of other questions whilst playing, such as why is the hero completely naked from the waist up, forgoing any kind of protective armour, to say little of providing protection from the elements? I can understand the need to travel light, but I think our unnamed hero takes things to the extreme. Similarly, if our hero is in possession of a sword then why does he choose to use it for less than a quarter of the adventure, choosing instead to rely on his fisticuffs?

Ultimately, Wrath of the Demon is undoubtedly something of a masterpiece and Abstrax clearly succeeded in producing something visually stunning, showcasing the capabilities of the Amiga at the very highest level. Look beyond the gloss, however, and the gameplay proves to be particularly tiresome, hamstrung by slavish over-reliance on the tried-and-tested mechanics of it’s forebears, the final result is something slightly tired, irksome and far less engaging than it really should have been.


Author: Alec
PC gamer, C64 fan, Amiga advocate, creator of longplay retrogaming videos on YouTube, occasional wordsmith - follow me on Twitter

2 thoughts on “Retro Revisited: Wrath of the Demon (Amiga)

  1. This game is soooo hard. I’m revisiting it, now, after not having played it since it first came out.

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