In the last update, we discovered that the empty socket at highlighted item #2 was intended to hold the character ROM chip. In this update, I’m going to cover tracking down the contents of that ROM chip, the equipment we’ll need to replace the missing chip, and the basics of EPROM burning. Along the way, I’ll cover a couple more points of interest about the CBM II series machines.
Checking the schematics in the last update, we found a reference to “2332A”, “Character ROM”. Is 2332A the identifier of the ROM data? If not, what ROM should go here? Luckily for us, we have the “Internet,” which for those of you who don’t know, is a cheaper and less friendly version of the universal book of all known galactic knowledge.
The “B” series of computers (setting aside the P-500) feature black and white 80-column text. Perhaps it is more accurate to say they feature black-and-whatever-color-your-monitor-manages-to-display. In the case of the low profile machines, you might have hooked it up to an amber monitor, a green one, or perhaps a color monitor. In the latter case, you would have likely got a bluish-white display. There are three important facts here:
- The B series has a grand total of two colors. On/Off.
- The B series has no native bit-mapped graphics ability. At all.
- The low-profile machines were designed to be hooked up to off-the-shelf monitors, while the high-profile machines came with built-in monitors designed to Commodore’s specifications.
The CBM II Means Business. And Business Means “No Graphics for You!”
The first two points mean that programmers working on the CBM II series had really very limited options when it came to designing software. While it is not impossible to write games for the machine, it is impossible to make ones as visually compelling as those made for the contemporary C-64, ZX Spectrum, or even the aging Atari 400/800 and Apple IIs. The lack of color is huge, but with no ability to custom graphics of any kind, the design options for games, but also for business applications, are extremely limited.
No. Not Even Character Set-based Graphics
Old Commodore hands may be asking themselves, “Well, surely you can at least redefine the character set and use that instead of bitmapped graphics?”. Certainly many, many C-64 games were made on that basis. On the C-64 (and C-128, etc.), the character ROM is copied into RAM, and a programmer has complete freedom to overwrite it. This can be used to make a fancy font (I was always making Old English type fonts back in the day: ). But a second use was to define tiles for background graphics, and sometimes, for player/monster graphics (when, for some reason, you didn’t want to use sprites, I guess). Unfortunately, the CBM II series does not have any provision for copying the character ROM into RAM and redefining it. Whatever was on the ROM when it left the factory, that’s what you had to work with.
Still want graphics? Here is a Commodore salesperson explaining what you get: [vsw id=”M5QGkOGZubQ” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
No, PETSCII Does Not Count
(And to those of you who say “Yeah, but what about PETSCII graphics?”, I fart in your general direction. And I also point out that it took 36 years for a game to come out featuring 160 x 50 “bit-mapped” graphics. Actually, I do want to point out that this game was very inspiring for me, and is basically the reason I bought a CBM 710, started this challenge, and began learning about the series in detail. Note: I have very little to back up the above statement about no games that used the kind of pseudo bit-mapped graphics that Space Race uses. I know of at least one use of a similar scheme in a demo, but a demo is not a released game. Click here (and scroll down a bit) for a list of known software published for the CBM II series.
In order to choose the right character ROM, it’s important to keep the third point in mind: the difference between the video output of the low and high profile machines. The low profile machines are NTSC (or PAL) compatible, with an output of 640×200 (displayable area, presumably the display chip is driving a few more pixels around the edge?). To support this 640×200 display in 80 columns, the low profile machines use an 8×8 character matrix (the same pixel resolution as used by the VIC-II in the P-500, C-64, and C-128. The high profile machines use a custom frequency with the built-in monitor to achieve a somewhat higher resolution. This allows the high profile machines to use a more “professional” typeface with a resolution of 8×14 pixels. I haven’t compared it pixel for pixel, but it is very reminiscent of the original IBM PC font (to my eyes and memory).
I don’t know what would happen if we put a low profile character ROM chip into a 7×0 machine, but it probably wouldn’t be ideal. So let’s find the 8×14 character ROM. Here, of course, our prime resource ends up being
ROM File | Description |
characters-hungarian.bin | Hungarian model II character set, 8×8 matrix expanded to 8×16 by adding blank lines. |
characters.324867-02.bin | Character rom for CBM 7X0 computer |
characters.901225-01.bin | Commodore P500 character set, 8×8 matrix (the same as in the Commodore 64). |
characters.901232-01.bin | Standard model II character set, 8×16 matrix. |
characters.901232-02.bin | Char rom from Christian Forstreuter’s high profile CBM 710. |
characters.901233-03.swedish.bin | Swedish/Finnish model II character set, 8×16 matrix. |
characters.901237-01.bin | Standard model II character set, 8×8 matrix expanded to 8×16 by adding blank lines. |
It looks like there are 4 choices available for my high profile 710 machine. I went with the one listed as “standard” above.
Burning: Good
When working with old electronics, one doesn’t generally associate “burning” with “good”, but in our case, we need to burn. An EPROM, that is. We have a missing chip, we have the data for it, and the way we’ll get that back into the CBM 710 is by copying the data to an EPROM chip. EPROM stands for erasable programmable read-only memory. Unlike its relative, the EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory), an EPROM is erased by exposing a small window to UV light (sunlight will do, apparently, if you have enough of it). Maybe think of it as similar to flashable ROM that you might have on an ATMEL board. There is a key difference though: to record data on an EPROM, you have to use a special piece of hardware (and software).
Note: Thanks to reader MiaM for pointing out that I was confusing EPROMs and EEPROMs.
I remember EPROMs being a thing back in the 1980s. There were always ads in the back of computer magazines for EPROM burners and various expansion kits you could use to do wonderful things to your computer. At least, I assume so, because I never had a chance to see an EPROM, let alone do something useful with it. It seemed daunting, somehow. The good news for anyone reading along is that it’s incredibly easy to burn your own EPROM. I did it, so you can do it, too.
Preparing to Burn an EPROM
- Have data ready in binary format. In our case, we’re all set, because we are using a prepared file we downloaded from the Internet. What could go wrong?
- Figure out what kind of EPROM chip you need. In this case, the socket takes a 24-pin chip, and we have the reference in the schematics to 2332A. 2332A, is not, of course, the Commodore ID of the ROM chip, but the kind of chip they used on the CBM II.
- Acquire (or get access to) an EPROM eraser. Some EPROMs can be erased by EPROM burners. The kind we need is not one of those apparently. I did some reading, and ordered a generic one that seems to be sold all over the place. $20 on Amazon.
- Acquire an EPROM burner. A little research indicated the PRG-055 GQ-4×4 by MCUmall Canada was a reasonable choice. It seems to be the latest in a long-line of EPROM burners. You can power it by USB or by a wall wart, and that appeared to be import in some cases. You’ll need a Windows PC to run the software (or a VM). This was more expensive, about $100 on Amazon. I wanted to have the freedom to try out some different Kernal and character ROMs in the future, so the investment made sense to me. Note: You can also get it directly from MCUMall in Canada, but the shipping time was a concern for me, given the 30 day limit imposed by the RetroChallenge.
I found the following site to be particularly useful to me, so if you are new to EPROMs, you might find it worth a look:
Burning the CBM 710 Character ROM to an EPROM
I hope you have now done some EPROM research, because I am on shaky ground with this next part: the problem is the 2332 chip. This is a 4k chip. Apparently these are hard to come by in the modern era. Reading around, and asking around, it seemed that what people did was use the more readily available 2764 chip, with a custom adapter. The pinouts are not compatible, but close enough that a simple adapter can do the trick. If you followed the link above, you might have seen a photo of one of the handmade adapters.
I elected to go the easy way: buy it! Jim Brain makes an adapter that you can either get as a kit, or fully assembled for $7. Knowing my abilities and available time, I went for the fully assembled one. Sadly, as I write this article, I’m fairly certain I made a mistake: I ordered the adapter for the 2364, having lost the thread at some point. Jim Brain does make one that is compatible with a 2332 (the one I link to above). In this case, I’m 100% sure I haven’t damaged my CBM 710 with it, because I haven’t plugged it in, but I will need to re-order and re-burn it looks like. If anyone knows for certain, I’d appreciate a comment!
I also chose to get a few 2764 EPROMs from Jim’s site, because they were $2 each. I am not entirely certain these will work, however, so some experimenting will be involved…
Burn Process
- Erase EPROM. Open the little drawer in the eraser, put a few EPROMs in, close the drawer, turn the dial up, and let them sit for 20 minutes or so. (The dial is a crude timer).
- Put the EPROM into the EPROM burner. The EPROM burner is pretty clever: you rotate the little arm down, that opens the pin slots with a louver-like mechanism. Put the chip in, rotate the arm back up into the locked position, and the louvers hold the chip pins in place now. Note: I did not use the adapter at this point. The adapter will come into play when I mount the chip in the Commodore.
- Fire up the EPROM burner software. You can download it from the MCUMall site without registering.
- Select the kind of chip you are burning to. In my case: 2764. Note: There are many choices for 2764, and the help for the burner software recommends selecting as close to the exact thing as possible.
- Find the setting to turn the burn speed to the lowest speed. Apparently modern computers can be too fast for these type of chips, but don’t worry, the burner has that covered for you. I forgot the first time, and the burn failed. Turned it down, and it burned it just fine.
- Select the .bin file. In my case, this is the characters.901232-01.bin file I downloaded from
- Burn it. Takes not very much time at all.
- Cover the little window on the EPROM with a sticker. I wrote 901232-01 on mine. The sticker blocks UV light and prevents the chip from erasing itself.
Success! Err, maybe?
After burning the EPROM, which was ridiculously easy, the only thing left to do was insert it into the adapter, and put the adapter in the CBM 710. The pins on the EPROM were very soft and thin, so getting it into the adapter was a little tricky. The adapter uses nice strong round pins, and mounts on the motherboard socket very easily.
I have no idea if what I did worked, because I don’t have a test machine, and I don’t have a power supply. Or that other thing that is visible at point 1 on the photo of the motherboard. I’m giving myself a solid rating of “It compiles: Ship it!” on this one. And that never got anyone in trouble.
Actually those with a glass window on top, usually with a label over, are called EPROMs and not EEPROMs. EPROM = Eraseable Programmable Read Only Memory. EEPROM = Electrically Ersaeable Programmable Read Only Memory.
Thanks MiaM. I’m going to edit the post to reflect my newly corrected ignorance ;)
Btw beware that the 2332’s could be ordered with active high or active low signal on one of the chip select signals. Make sure that fits how it’s used in the computer. (Afaik the charrom is always selected as there is no reason to tristate it’s outputs, so you might get away with just jumpering it so it’s always selected)
I have a simple question I am hoping someone could answer. How do you switch between the upper and lower case character set on the CBM II? Is there a character code, key sequence, or character code that switches? (I am trying to do this in the VICE emulator in case that is relevant.)
Hey Dave, I don’t know the answer but let’s see if someone here can help!
Hi Dave, the way I know is to use print statements.
go lowercase:
go uppercase:
The user manual says you can “Press the shifted NORM/GRAPH key lo return to the standard character set of upper and lower case letters.” I don’t have that key mapped in VICE, so I’ve never reproduced it, but sounds like that’s the equivalent of the C64 C= key shortcut.