A month ago I saw an announcement on Facebook that ViTNO articles were available on Temporal Vortex BBS ][. I was immediately curious to see how would that work and how well (or bad) would be the experience.
Bulletin Board Systems
I believe that most of our readers have come from the time when the Internet didn’t exist and BBS was the way to get online, connected to other users to exchange messages via realtime chat or “electronic mail”, download software (all legal, of course), play games, etc. But for those that didn’t, know that a Bulletin Board System or BBS is nothing more than a program running in a computer that allows users to connect to the system using a terminal application, which could be seen as the pre-historical version of our modern browsers.
The connection was made via one’s phone line using a modem. The BBS would have one or more servers equipped with modems that were connected to the telephony company and would accept incoming calls from the users’ computers. Obviously, since the users would be using their home phone lines, they couldn’t stay connected the whole time. At the same time, this limitation would let the BBSes have more users than phone lines as they would be taking turns to interact with the system.

Although there were many big corporations providing Bulletin Board Systems that allowed hundreds (if not thousands) of users to be connected at the same time, the fact that, to create a BBS, one needed only a computer, a modem, and a phone line, many tiny BBSes spawned everywhere serving users from the owner’s bedroom.
These small BBSes were very limited as only one, or a handful of users could connect at a given time but nonetheless they would provide a cheap alternative to many people that would have to pay expensive long distance phone calls to connect to “professional” BBSes hosted far away from their hometown.
The first BBSes and terminal applications would offer a character-only interface due to the servers’ capacity and also the very slow speeds that the early modems would be able to transmit data between your home and the BBS server. Before (or maybe concomitantly) some BBSes started to offer support for the many home computers special characters like the Commodore PETSCII and Atari ATASCII characters sets. This support would increase the user experience with a terminal showing colours, graphics and online games.
With the dawn of the Internet as we know today, the BBSes didn’t have a chance and as fast as one can think, they all disappeared or were “converted” to Internet providers.
Temporal Vortex BBS

If you read Vintage is The New Old, I can assume you are a retro computer enthusiast, at least at some level. In most cases, the desire to revive our technological past is driven by nostalgia. Like something from the past that gave us hours and hours of entertainment, the BBSes are naturally a source for that same nostalgia.
Nowadays, there are many BBSes running, sometimes using 35 years old server software running on an actual Commodore 64! A lot of them are new, some have been around for years.
One specific case is Jeff Ledger’s Temporal Vortex BBS ][ which is a recreation of Jeff’s original Temporal Vortex BBS from over a decade ago which was originally a multi-user BBS written in Perl, running on a Gateway 400 PC computer. At the time, the now “almost retro” Gateway PC could host twenty simultaneous users! The original Temporal Vortex came to a sudden end when the hard drive where it was stored died and all possible backups were, in one way or another, lost. Since that fateful day, Jeff wanted to bring the BBS back, but time was never on his side.
Like many of us, Jeff found himself in quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic and with some spare time for a project. In March (we are in 2020 if you are reading this in the future) he began adapting a program by Francesco Sblendorio, called “PETSCII-bbs” with the idea of bringing back Temporal Vortex.
PETSCII-BBS is a set of JAVA routines, sort of an out-of-the-box system, providing the ability to access certain types of blogs, CSDb & Arnold Downloads, and a couple of simple JAVA games. As the name suggests, the entire experience is designed for a PETSCII terminal.
Jeff is a coder, but not an expert in JAVA. Despite that, he was able to improve the server adding a public message area, a download section as well as, according to him, hundreds of other refinements! After some time, Temporal Vortex ][ was born!

At present, you can download files directly to the Commodore 64 (via Xmodem) from local file libraries, CSDB, and Arnold FTP. The social side of the network includes a public message area, private messages, and a multi-user chat. You can play games like 4-in-a-row in PETSCII, as well as Infocom titles, Zork, Wishbringer, and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy text adventures. You can even surf the web using a primitive PETSCII web-browser!
Another nice feature is a PETSCII art-room area, where you can be mesmerized by the talent of many artists and their ability to bring life to the blocky PETSCII characters!

Temporal Vortex is an open BBS, so you don’t need username/password to access it, except when entering the public message area.
Another feature of the BBS is the area where you can read blog posts which include mega Internet news outlets like Wired, Hackaday and of course, our very own Vintage is The New Old!
Behind the scenes, the blog data are fetched from the Internet on demand, stripped of all its HTML/Javascript code, then converted to the 40-column PETSCII for display on the BBS.
As we all are starting to get back to our lives, including work, Jeff has less time to work on the BBS but he hasn’t stopped. He is currently working on a multiuser PETSCII BBS Game.
Another bit of trivia about the BBS is that the welcome and closing screens are excerpts of the short story: TTERM – A fantastic journey to the ultimate BBS via a magic doorway. The story in its entirety can be found in the BBS itself under the BBS News and Info option on the main menu.

Compared to the huge server rooms and racks and racks of telephone boards from the 80s, it is surprising to learn that Temporal Vortex is running on a Raspberry PI Zero! “Which is suspended from its USB cable on a hook on my desk”, adds Ledger.
How to access it?
Landlines still exist but they are not everywhere as they use to be and when they are, they will have some sort of compression algorithm that will hardly work with the modems from the 80s make it impossible to go all vintage using your computer connected to a modem connected to the phone line!
Because of that even the most hardcore BBS will be hosted on the Internet and will be accessible using some kind of Telnet terminal application.
As I mentioned before, Temporal Vortex ][ is entirely designed to work on the Commodore 64 to make use of its PETSCII character set. If you are not accessing it from the C64 (somehow connected to the Internet) you will have to use a terminal emulator that supports PETSCII. Probably the easier choice is CGTerm which supports Windows and Mac and works very well with Temporal Vortex.

After starting CGTerm, press ESC to see the menu options and then select D to connect. A new window will open where you can type the BBS address and port. The Temporal Vortex address is bbs.c64.xyz, port 6400.
After a welcome screen, you press enter to load the main menu which will show options to read blogs, games and access the BBS services. As a general rule “.” (dot) will take you to the previous screen (or leave an area/game).

To access Vintage is The New Old, just select “V” from the main menu and read the articles. I was amazed by how well-formatted they are – I confess I would expect some weird formatting due to the process to strip HTML, etc. Very well done.
At the end of the article, you will find the download link for CGTerm and you can try by yourself.
Link: Vortex BBS Website
Link: CGTerm
Hello! Since Vortex seems to be offline, I put Vitno on my Petscii BBS, which is online since 2018: bbs.retrocampus.com port 6510
Just select “English News”, Vitno is there :)
Happy BBS’ing!