Kay Savetz, one of the Antic Atari Podcast hosts and die-hard Atari fan has announced a new and cool project: @Atari8BitBot.
The project was inspired on the BBC Micro version which was limited to BASIC, and the Atari8BitBot was created by Kay Savetz and Bill Kendrick. With this tweet bot, you can send any code in Atari BASIC, Turbo-BASIC XL, Logo, PILOT, or assembly language and the bot will run it in an emulator and tweet you back with it a video of it running.
The bot runs on a Raspberry Pi in Kay’s basement. It runs the Atari800 emulator in an X virtual frame buffer. A Python script checks Twitter every two minutes for incoming tweets directed at @Atari8BitBot, and imports them into the emulator. ffmpeg records the emulator’s output as a video, then the script uploads that video to Twitter as a reply to you.
Let’s see what the creative people on Twitter can do!
For more information, follow the link below.
Link: Atari8BitBot