2021 BASIC 10-Liner Contest is on!

We can probably agree that it is not really a new year in the retro computing community without the BASIC 10-Liner contest. Well, get the fireworks ready because the 2021 edition of the contest is ready to receive the smallest and smartest BASIC programs one can conceive.

Again the rules haven’t changed much since the last edition. BASIC games can be written for all 8-bit computers, as long they are line-oriented dialects. Since the computers are so diverse, it is essential that all submissions can be emulated, and the authors must include detailed instructions (what emulator, commands to load, etc.).

As usual, the PUR-80 category allows only built-in BASIC and limited to 80 characters per logical line. If built-in BASIC is not your cup of tea, you can run in of the other categories:

  • PUR-120 – a game in 10 lines, max 120 characters per logical line, abbreviations are allowed;
  • EXTREME-256 a game in 10 lines, max 256 characters per logical line, abbreviations are allowed;

But I still hate games!

This category started last year and got some clever programs, so this year the category SCHAU-256 is back so you can create a demo, tool or application program in 10 lines, with a maximum of 256 characters per logical line.

Make sure to submit your entries before Saturday, March 27, 2021, 6 PM CET!

Here are further rules for all categories:

1. Loading of data or program parts from mass storage is not allowed
2. The 10 lines must not contain any machine programs
3. All code must be visible in the listing: self-modifying code or hidden initializations are not allowed
4. Allowed are POKEs in storage locations
5. Deadline for submissions: Saturday, March 27, 2021, 6 p.m. CET
6. Award ceremony: Saturday, April 10, 2021, at NOMAM
7a. Voting by a panel of experts
7b. “Public’s Choice” special award. Give hearts to your favourites on BASIC 10Liners Twitter
account @Basic10L
8. The program must be submitted on a disk or tape image
9. The program must be listable
10. Together with the program, a text file with the program description and instructions should be submitted, including a brief description of the start via emulator. Also, you need to submit a screenshot in JPG or PNG, or if you prefer an animated GIF.
11. For program descriptions and code explanations, there can be up to 0.5 bonus points in the rating
12. The programmers agree to a publication of the programs, the descriptions and the instructions by the organizer
13. Send to GKANOLD-at-BASIC10LINER dot COM, receive a confirmation per E-Mail or in the 10Liner Forum

The BASIC 10Liners is an awesome opportunity to show off your coding skills or to learn new techniques for your favourite platform BASIC language. For the past two years, I am among the judges and, although it is a lot of work, I am excited to see what people will be able to come up with in only 10 lines of code!

Link: Official Website (Scroll down the page for the English instructions)

Author: Paulo Garcia

3 thoughts on “2021 BASIC 10-Liner Contest is on!

    1. Hi Juan, please see item 13. The entries have to be sent via email. The email is spelled like that to avoid robots scanning the pages to get the right email. Just replace the at for @ and the dot for “.” and you are gold!

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