“I have built PUAE from gNosTic for Mac OS X.” “Commit version: 850759c4ed4285cefd851f96ae7aca428c884481Build date: 16/06/2011Built with: xcode 4.0.2 on Snow Leopard 10.6.7″ “Changes (from GnoStiC): several bugfixes, but most importantly new core cpu and disk emulation fixes.” “This is a development snapshot, so is inherently unstable. If it crashes, mocks the Pope and disappears with your significant other it’s no-one’s…
SpritePad is a C64 sprite editor for Windows.Features include slide, flip, reflect, overlay, animate, rotate and rip.Added import/export options including PRG file and SEUCK support, expanded the browser window and improved navigation.Added single file projects, VICE snapshot ripper, quantity control etc.Update 1.8.1 fixes a couple of bugs in the quantity control system and adds sprite swap with right mouse button….
This site attempts to re-create some of the best Commodore 64 software sets. A set is the box, manual, disks and any other materials contained inside the packaging. If you are looking for documentation for some of your favorite Commodore 64 games, then we may just have what you are looking for. Or if you are looking for a trip…
Dane of Booze Design released a new version of the JCH editor. This software pack consists of several players. You can use the player that will fit your needs. Some players use only little raster-time but are not that flexible. Other player have more options but use more time. A very comprehensive manual (English) is included with the music players….
Still Ready is a demo by Resource/The Dreams, it’s the ultimate Last Ninja, Bruce Lee, Forbidden Forest, Aztec Challenge, etc remix, of sorts.The soundtrack is absolutely stunning, and graphically it looks out of this world!(also no need to press the spacebar, just sit back & relax & enjoy the show!) Source: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=81158
“Yape is the best emulator of Commodore microcomputer family running on Windows and Unix. The emulator faithfully imitates the C-264 (know also as Commodore Plus/4) model. It has been written by Attila Grósz, see http://yape.plus4.net for details. I’ve successfully modified, and port the source code of the version v0.32.4 and it’s now working fine on PSP !” Website: http://zx81.zx81.free.fr/serendipity/index.php?/archives/114-guid.html