Tag: BASIC programming

A TRS-80 Color Computer Commercial Quality Action/Fight Game in BASIC, part 4

Chapters: 01 , 02 , 03, 04. The story so far: graphic performance is great! We have a notion of memory consumption and the base game idea direction, meaning, we have a designed player moving about. How does one start a game development? In my case and in general, by doing sketches, then mock ups for the target system, then I code the basic…

A TRS-80 Color Computer Commercial Quality Action/Fight Game in BASIC, part 3

Chapters: 01 , 02 , 03. So far we were just testing non-purpose brute force semigraphics block pushing, but enough to get a direction to explore.Next step would be to get that direction aligned to some game design. I certainly now know that my skills with BASIC will be able to cut for a bunch of blocks in motion, so I need…

A TRS-80 Color Computer Commercial Quality Action/Fight Game in BASIC, part 2

Chapters: 01 , 02 , 03 . So we were looking at reducing the gameplay from fighting games referenced on the last post.I thought the arcade Pong (1972) connects well, let’s see, as a kind of combat game, pong sports 2 players each controlling its own pad up and down and they have to bounce back a ball. The ball…

A TRS-80 Color Computer Commercial Quality Action/Fight Game in BASIC, part 1

Chapters: 01 , 02 , 03. If you have seen my other project devlogs, you probably noticed I pull a lot inspiration from that title´s primeval computer. Yes it was were I self learned to do computer games, mostly with the aid of books and magazines from those times. After finishing The Outhouse game, which mimics the COCO´s semigraphics 4…

2020 BASIC 10-Liner Contest is Live and celebrating the 10th anniversary!

One of the most expected and respected contests in the retro computing community is turning 10 years old and ready to roll! The Tenth Edition of the BASIC 10-Liner has started and already waiting for your submission. This edition’s rules are pretty much the same as last year’s. BASIC games can be written for all 8-bit computers, as long they…

2019 BASIC 10-Liner Contest in On!

Already a tradition in the Retro Computer Enthusiast’s community, the 2019 edition of the 10-Liner Contest has started and will run through March 30th (6PM CET). Sponsored by Homeputerium, the contest challenge all BASIC programmers to come up with something amazing using only 10 lines of code. Since its establishiment eight years ago, the contest has received 312 10-Liners! The…

BASIC 10-Liner Contest Deadline has passed. Time to check the 65 contestants

The BASIC 10-Liner contest is one of the “retro-related” highlights every year for the amazing creativity and technique presented by the contestants. This year is no exception, with nothing less than 65 entries, targeting several different platforms. Although the vast majority of the entries are targeting Atari and Commodore computers, there are some programs made for the MSX, Amstrad CPC,…

How to Make a C64 Game in BASIC Ep.1

You might be a C64 enthusiast but maybe your think is and always has been playing games and your programming knowledge stops with LOAD “*”,8,1 which was enough to load your favorite software. Since it is never late to learn something new, how about a quick how to about “C64 programming in BASIC” ? This video, published by Nostalgia Nerd…

2016 BASIC 'Tenliners' contest – My very first 10-liner is for the MSX

If you follow our (almost) daily posts, you probably saw one about the 2016 BASIC Tenliner contest, that is happening right now until March 28th. After reading the appeal made on MSX Resource Center, calling for MSX programmers to participate in the contest, I decided to listen and give my contribution. The only caveat is that I never had done…

My Teenager son has made a game for the Commodore Plus/4

[youtube LmCQBJkmw4s nolink] My teenager son had a small task to be done in March. He had to create a small game in BASIC for the Commodore Plus/4 and write something about his experience. I asked him to use the actual computer, not an emulator or any modern IDE. I wanted to know his impressions about the computer, the environment,…