Tag: Facebook

Jim Slide – New game for Atari XL/XE

It was published this week the first gameplay video of ‘Jim Slide’, a new game for the Atari XL/XE that is being developed and will be a contestant on the ABBUC 2015 (Atari Bit Byter User Club). The game is an extension of a previous game called Slide, which is the runner-up of the NOMAM BASIC Ten-Liners 2015 Contest. In…

7000 followers on Twitter!

We have broke 7000 followers on Twitter! We created our Twitter account around the same time as Commodore is Awesome website, way back in April 2011. We thought this was definitely worth a mention and also a great opportunity to say a BIG THANK YOU! to all our Loyal Followers on Twitter, Facebook, our websites and also our Facebook Retro…