Tag: Github
Microsoft have released the sources for the Windows 3.x file manager application, WinFile.exe. Released under the MIT license, the sources can be found on Microsoft’s official Github account. And, if that’s not bizarre enough for you, MS developer Craig Wittenberg has updated it so it can be run under modern Windows versions, including Windows 10! Also added are a host of…
The group Bitshifters has released a port of Jordan Mechner’s Prince of Persia to the BBC Micro. Project coder “Kieran” writes that After the original Apple II 6502 source code was recovered and uploaded to GitHub by the author Jordan Mechner, I decided to take it upon myself to port this to the BBC Master computer, given that it shares the same…
“You are Eino, a member of the druids. Your master, the arch druid has become old and it is time for somebody to replace him. As a young initiate you are sent to dungeon Dex, a mysterious labyrinth home to vile creatures. You must enter the dungeon alone and defeat three demon lords within. Only then can you achieve enlightenment…
As some core openMSX developers felt uncomfortable at SourceForge.net because of the story where SF repacked GIMP to include ads, the development team decided to move from SF to Github, at https://github.com/openMSX/. Also the project has a new official address http://openmsx.org. The change really only affects developers that like to either contribute to the project, or simply check the source…
As you remember, we reported here the launch of Ultima IV Remastered. If, besides playing it, you like to dig down the bits, the author has published the source code of his port on GitHub. The page has all the instructions about how to build it yourself, maybe coming up with Ultima IV Revamped-Remastered version yourself, eh? Link: GitHub