Tag: Homebrew Retro Games

'Slime' – New game for the Commodore 64

Based on an original game by Jim Summers on the Commodore PET, Mr. NOP has released SLIME for the Commodore 64. “Battle the growing slime before it takes over the screen, shoot the membranes and eradicate the slime. As the slime grows, cells begin to grow inside the membranes which then chase after you. Complete the level to advance to…

24 hours left to back Commodore 64: a visual Compendium Second Edition

Backing a Kickstarter usually comes with a certain degree of risk, since the project can fail and be gone with you money. This is not the case here! Commodore 64: a visual Compendium Second Edition by Sam Dyer from Bitmap Books. He has proven he is capable of delivering a high-quality product, sometimes surpassing any expectation and with this campaign, that already…

Game 'Dingo' v1.3 for ZX Spectrum released for download.

A new and improved version of Dingo for the Spectrum is available for download The changes in the 2015 version (version 1.3) are; A much improved control method. This was the bug-bear for many people with the original release, but it’s now MUCH better. Enemy pre-spawn warning – so you can see where the Dingos are about to appear and…

New Amiga game 'Dylan the Spaceman' demo now available!

The wait is (almost) over. Amigapd user on EAB forum has announced the availability of a demo version of the game ‘Dylan the Spaceman and the Smelly Aliens from Mars’, a Dizzy clone, developed using the Reality engine. The current version will run on A1200 and potentially on A600. There will be a version for the A500, but the developer needs to change…