24 hours left to back Commodore 64: a visual Compendium Second Edition

Commodore 64 Visual Compendium Second Edition

Backing a Kickstarter usually comes with a certain degree of risk, since the project can fail and be gone with you money. This is not the case here! Commodore 64: a visual Compendium Second Edition by Sam Dyer from Bitmap Books. He has proven he is capable of delivering a high-quality product, sometimes surpassing any expectation and with this campaign, that already got 3 times the target will be no different. You can really think in this case that you will be pre-ordering an awesome product, no risks involved!

At the time I am typing this words, the campaign has reached £69,854 (£20,000 initial target) and because of that almost all the stretch goals have been met, including things like the USB cover tape (I love that idea).


If you are on the fence, you have 24 hours to decide if you want to get this book for a cheaper price or wait until it becomes available later on without all the backer’s perks!

Link: Kickstarter

Author: Paulo Garcia

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