Tag: Philippe Lang
Good evening Retrofans! Kitty is back with the latest Amiga News from around the globe! The good old Amiga has seen a lot of attention this past week. Toni Wilen has updated WinUAE yet again to Beta 16, the First Samurai remake Kickstarter was cancelled, however the good news is the project is still going ahead. Risky Rick, a Homebrew take on the Amiga classic…
Two new Special Editions cases, and more are on their way! First SE is named after Allister Brimble, the famous Amiga games music author with dozens of titles we all know by heart. Allister banded with Bjorn Lynne so that with his Special Edition case come two fantastic albums: – The AMIGA Works – 2CD Remastered Amiga games music, by…
Brand new Amiga 1200 cases from new Molds. Available in 12 colors. – UV resistant / A1200 Reloaded / Raspberry Pi / MiST compatible. Vintage is the New Old has been given the go ahead from Philippe Lang himself to post an ‘Official Announcement’ for the new Amiga 1200 Cases Kickstarter Project! \o/ As you all may remember a few…
A quick update from Philippe Lang Dear Backers,Through our last update you already knew that we’ve added support for the Raspberry Pi and Pi2 boards within our 1200 case.We’d like to announce that the case is supporting Till Harbaum’s MiST board as well ;) Till confirmed us that all buttons on the board can be activated from the keyboard, and…
The New Amiga 1200 cases Kickstarter campaign ends in 13 days ! As of today, this campaign has reached 38% of its €125,000 goal. CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT THE AMIGA 1200 CASE CAMPAIGN! Campaign Goal: Maybe some of you don’t know yet why this goal is set so high, so please allow us to summarize it here: To manufacture new…
Spread the word, let’s get this funded! Only YOU! can make it possible! It’s time for another update regarding Philippe Lang’s Fantastic Amiga A1200 housings Kickstarter! 259 backers, €42,409 pledged of €125,000 goal with 16 days to go!This has got to be one of the most amazing projects to date with Philippe carefully listening to all of your requests and…
What a Fantastic day for Amiga fans! We only just posted updates yesterday about Philippe Lang’s New A1200 Housings Kickstarter Project and now something really special has appeared on the Kickstarter page! You can now get your hands on the LukHash Special Edition A1200 Housing! For those of you who are not familiar, Lukasz Polkowski was born August, 1984 in…
Since we first announced Philippe Lang’s new Kickstarter Project for New Amiga 1200 cases, currently (as of writing) the Kickstarter has reached a whopping €21,070 of the €125,000 goal!, Fantastic going guys, keep it up!, If it carries on like this, we will hit the target in no time! Within the first 24 hours of this Kickstarter going live, it…
As we reported a week ago, Philippe Lang’s Kickstarter campaign to create new housing for the Amiga 1200 has started. Philippe Lang is here to save the day!, No more will you need to worry about yellowing ageing cracked broken cases. This is the Ami Kickstarter of ALL Kickstarters!So let’s take that in a bit. These are not old molds…
We have just been informed by Boucher Alexis (VingTrois Seize) about some Fantastic News! All you Amigans are gonna love this! We was fortunate to be blessed with the Kickstarter for new Commodore 64 replacement cases. Guess what? Now it’s the Amiga’s turn! Yes you heard correct!, in roughly 12 days, a new Kickstarter Project will be launched to make…