Tag: retro computer

ZX Spectrum Vega+ makes its way to some backers

The latest chapter of the intriguing ZX Spectrum Vega + saga has been written with an actual unit confirmed to have made its way to a backer. Retro Computers  announced last Friday, on their Facebook page, that there were going to immediately start shipping the first 400 units to ‘backers who had asked to received their unit without the 1,000 game…

Retro Computer Collectible Cards are now in production!

Just go the Kickstarter backer’s update email from 8bitkick saying that the cards are already in production. The estimated delivery has been updated to February. This is later than estimated at the beginning of the Kickstarter. Don explains that the project was bigger than what he first estimated, but now everything is on target to start the delivery in February….

Living like the pioneers! Code FORTRAN in a punch card!

If you are around 40 years old or younger you’ve probably never used a punch card to code. I, when started college in 1988 also didn’t have a chance to do it, by one semester (I know, 1988 and still using punch cards is kind of weird, but my College didn’t have a big budget!). Now you can experience it (and…

New web-based emulator for MSX

Paulo Augusto Peccin has created a new MSX Emulator totally written in Javascript, and it can run directly from your browser, preferable Chrome. Features: 100% HTML5/JS, no plugins needed Runs in any modern Web Browser. Tested in Chrome and Firefox Put games or any MSX software in webpages easily Only standard MSX 1 support for now Full Savestates support Export…

New store in Japan to sell brand new MSX machines

Lavadeira blog announced directly from the MSX mother land that a new physical store will open soon in Akihabara. The store will offer retro computers, retro games, arcade games, and fan made items. The biggest news mainly for those that can afford to visit the store is a stock of brand-new-never-opened MSX computers Pioneer PX-V60. They go for about USD$180 – a…

Portland Retro Gaming Expo is happening on October 17-18

The Portland Retro Gaming Expo (PRGE) is one of the largest classic gaming events in the US, and this year is happening next October 17th and 18th, at the Oregon Convention Center. The event will have vendors, huge arcade area, panels and special speakers. Atariage also announced that they will have a booth at the event, and they plan to release several…

Amstrad CPC musicians needed for a Christmas album

From Octoate.de: SuTeKH/Epyteor wants to produce a Christmas album containing a lot of different christmas tunes and so he is searching for musicians who will contribute a music for this CPC music disc, which will be released later this year. There are no special requirements, so you are free to choose your music style. Here are the “rules” for the…

3D Print your very own Amiga 'Boing' Ball

Thingiverse user ‘LITHINES’ has made available the files to help you 3D-print your own Amiga ‘Boing’ Ball. The design was made in a away you can assemble it as a small puzzle, with no glue. He also adds details on how to properly print it on Thingiverse website. Just follow the link below. Anyone that tries to build it, please…

Apple IIgs Raspberry PI Case Available

If you are into dressing up your Raspberry PI with the latest and greatest retro computer case, it is now available through ETSY a very well-done Apple IIgs Raspberry PI, specifically built for the Raspberry PI 2 and the Model-B Plus. Each case has been painted the original platinum color and measures 113x95x38mm. A deluxe version of the case is…

Juice.GS Magazine Volume 20, Issue 2 is out!

Juice.GS it the only Apple II magazine still in print, and just start sending its new issue to the subscribers. This issue features reviews of Ninjaforce’s KABOOM and GGLABS’ RAMGS card; coverage of Oz KFest; a breakdown of how ProDOS formats disks and stores and manages files; a deepening mystery with Det. Pomme and Col. Hexings; reflections on the Apple…