Our good friend Retrofan over at Forum64, contacted us this evening and has sent over some fantastic Exclusive News! about the eagerly anticipated ‘Bomb Jack DX’, an Arcade port for the Commodore 64. Retrofan has uploaded a new Beta 3 video to his YouTube channel and as you can see, the game is coming along nicely. First thing you will notice, beta3 has some amazing new music and sound effects by OneBitman, all five backgrounds are now complete and Jack is smaller with some new running animation and wider jump.
There’s many more changes though, check out the full list below!
Changes compared to Bomb Jack DX Beta 2:
– New music AND sound fx by OneBitman
– New: skyscraper background (now all 5 backgrounds completed)
– Nicer and more memory saving Egypt background
– Nicer and more memory saving Greece background
– Much nicer fire bomb counter (intermission screen, look at 3:53)
– Congratulations screen at the end
– B/E/S-Coins to collect
– Jack can run on the topmost platforms and enter small gaps much easier
– Smaller Jack (with boots and less outline) and smaller mummy
– New Jack running animation and wider jump
– Repaired logo
– Shorter power mode
Many thanks for the heads up Retrofan, we can’t wait to play this masterpiece! :)
Stay tuned for more exclusive updates and as usual we will be the first to share the News! Keep it Retro :)
Retrofans Blog: https://compidiaries.wordpress.com
Development Thread: http://www.forum64.de
YouTube Channel: RetroP1X3L