AtariCrypt Magazine, a new digital publication for the Atari ST is available now

Atari Crypt is a website dedicated to the Atari ST computers, and today Steve Gregory has announced the availability of the first issue of the AtariCrypt magazine.

“Today, I am extremely proud to announce the availability of AtariCrypt Magazine. That’s right folks, a brand new magazine STuffed to the brim full of 16-bit gaming goodness. It has been designed by none other than Darren Doyle and I’m sure you will appreciate his awesome, creative talent which promotes our reviews, interviews, and more.”

In the “Intro” section of the magazine, Steve tells why he decided to publish the magazine – “… Most of the multi-platform websites, social media, and forums sadly overlook the ST…I personally find this offensive and thus begun my journey to rectify that…”. 

Vintage is The New Old is guilty as charged, but we don’t overlook the ST line on purpose. To help in Steve’s quest, we are thrilled to publish this post in the hope to spread the Atari ST love around our readers.

The magazine is in PDF format and available for free. To download it, just follow the link below. The content is so good, that you should consider paying something for it, as Steve mention in his announcement: “Although the magazine is completely free, there is the voluntary option to buy it via PayPal so just click & ask.”

Link: AtariCrypt website
Link: AtaryCrypt Magazine

Author: Paulo Garcia

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