Cask Jumper is a game created by tmy10100 from Vic-20 Denial Forums. He wrote the game together with a friend over 30 years ago! The game involves jumping over casks with a motorbike. You must be careful not to drive too fast and also not too slow, if you want to land exactly on the ramp without crashing. You have 5 motorbikes. After 12 casks you get an extra motor-bike.
The game was originally published in a German computer magazine called CPU in May 1984. Unfortunately, the listing and the tape was lost but thanks to tokra and others who sent the respective pages to tmy10100, the game was saved. Many errors have now been debugged and the joystick routine has been improved. The zip file below contains the listing, disk and tape images both for joystick and also keyboard control. Using the keyboard, type CRSR-down to accelerate and CRSR-right to brake.
Download: Cask
Source: Vic-20 Denial