Veteran developers Swivel Creations have partnered with London based Lu Studios to bring
the classic 80’s game BOUNDER to mobile which is set for release in the first quarter 2018.
The owner of Swivel Matt Risley has a big background in games stretching back to 1991 and
this year contacted Ian Stewart, ex-Gremlin Graphics owner (UrbanScan) and negotiated a
deal to bring BOUNDER to Mobile. BOUNDER was one of the most successful selling games
of the 80’s and was on many different computers like the C64, Spectrum, Amstrad, MSX etc..
Matt is very enthusiastic about the project which is well underway and says the following:
“Certain games stick in your head from back in the day and BOUNDER was one of those
games, from how it looked, how challenging it was and of course the memorable music it
had. The game is a classic and we felt that it would port really well to mobile, so I made
some enquiries and we struck a deal to bring Bounder to mobile. It is very exciting!”
The new BOUNDER game isn’t really different from the originals and this App will offer users
really good value for money, as they can play the C64, Spectrum and Amstrad version all in
one App. But these are not emulated versions, Matt said that these are being re-coded and
the display of the map will be shown in a different way to make use of the mobile screens.
Also BOUNDER was quite hard to play and Matt said that by making the maps more visible
will give the users more chance to complete the levels and make the levels a bit easier.
Swivel will offer two versions of the game, a free version with limited levels and advertising
and also a paid version with all of the levels and no advertising.
This App will also have many good features which wasn’t available in the originals, such as
Level Save Points, Touch Screen and Joypad Control and much more.
For fans of the original, they will love it and Matt is hoping to bring BOUNDER to a new
audience of gamers, not just retro gamers.
BOUNDER will be available on the App Stores in the first quarter 2018 but in the meantime,
if you’d like to keep track of the development, please visit: for more
information about BOUNDER, the History and release date.
Twitter: @bounder_mobile