We are living the golden era of retro computing, with all the activities happening around the World, including shows, new hardware and software, etc. There are, however, some examples of retro “something” that is in full activity nowadays but started when retro computers were brand new and survived all these years. Call A.P.P.L.E is one of the best examples of this selective and resilient group!
The Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.) was one of the first official Apple User Groups in the United States. Founded in 1978 by Val J. Golding, A.P.P.L.E. grew quickly and membership peaked to almost 50,000 global members by 1985.
The group is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a special edition of Call A.P.P.L.E magazine.
Magazine Contents:
- 40 Years: From the Basement to the Tower
- My Take on A.P.P.L.E. History (by Val J. Golding)
- A.P.P.L.E. History Across 40 Years
- 40 Years On – My Memories of Val (by Bob Clardy)
- The Founding of APDA – The Apple Programmers and Developers Association: How A.P.P.L.E. Created an Institution (by Don Williams)
- The CRPG Book Project: Role-Playing Game History 1975-2015
- Roger Wagner to Keynote KansasFest 2018
- Cross Chase: A Massively 8-Bit Multi-System Game (by Fabrizio Caruso)
- 6502 Assembler Tricks: Self-modifying code based on the 3D Demo (by Dr. Marc A. Golombeck)
- PLASMA 1.0 Programming Language Released (by David Schmenk)
- Blankenship BASIC: The Return of the Programmer
- Happy Birthday, Steve Jobs!
- VCF Pacific Northwest 2018 (by Evan Koblentz)
- VCF Pacific Northwest in Photos (by Kevin Savetz)
- VCF Southeast gets its First Vendor (David Greelish)
- Freshly Squeezed Reviews: HomePod Brings Me Accessibility
The magazine is distributed digitally only for the members of the group. The membership starts at US$28 and gives the subscribers access to the current issue and all past issues plus other benefits which will depend on your subscription option.
Link: Call A.P.P.L.E