In a post published on January 17th, Kevin Watkins announced his decision to create a new programming language targeting the ZX Spectrum Next:
The idea to do so originally came from the Facebook group for the ZX Spectrum Next, a new FPGA computer based that is an enhanced version of the ZX Spectrum, the computer I first started to program on many years ago. People were asking if modern languages such as C# and Java would be available to code for the Spectrum Next, and others were replying that modern style languages just would not be possible to use with an 8-bit machine and people would have to code in assembly or possibly C. That sounded like a challenge to me so I started developing a new language for the Spectrum Next called Elena.
Elena has a syntax very familiar for those used to modern languages like C# or Java and Kevin’s approach is very interesting. Instead of creating a compiler that will take Elena code and turn into Z80 machine language, he decided to transpile the source code to C source code instead. In a second step, the developer takes the C code and compile it to binary form using the excellent z88dk toolchain, already widely used for Z80 development.
Although the compiler itself is not available yet, Kevin just released a demo showing off the new language. The demo source code is available as well as a video and download file for the binary.
The source code is indeed very C#-like which will for sure, lower the bar for new developers that are not acquainted with the daunting lower level machine language. Based on commands like Screen.SetBorder(BorderColour) we believe the language will offer a lot of functions that will make the developer’s lives easier. The project seems to be in early stages, but the results so far are very promising!
Link: Kevin’s Blog
Source: Planeta Sinclair
The semicolons at the line end are annoying. You forget one, whole program is not working.
How about them helping to avoid tons of bugs in the compiler and providing accurate error messages ?
I guess we will know more when the author releases the compiler. If the language catches up people’s heart, more tools could be added in the future that help the developers.