The “amiga-place-to-be” English Amiga Board (EAB) has announced a new game development competition, and it is offering
The competition will run from September 1st, 2018 and the deadline is on February 28th, 2019 at 23:59 UTC, so the contestants will have six months to come up with the next great Amiga game.
The entries have to be brand new games (never released before), but the rules are forgiving about reusing previous games assets, etc (to a certain extent). Any reused material has to be disclosed in the submission form.
One of the interesting aspects of this competition is that it won’t have different categories for the very different Amiga hardware types, but the rules state that the judges can give the appropriate score when the hardware platform is well-used.
Participants can enter the competition alone or in teams. In
All submissions must be done as a disk image that is playable on both emulators and real hardware. There is no restriction about tools and programming languages that can be used. Everything is fair “game”!
The cash prizes are being crowdfunded as the competition goes, and so far it has received €500 in donations, which will be
- 1st place = 55%
- 2nd place = 30%
- 3rd place = 15%
All the details about the compo can be obtained following the EAB forum, specifically, Code. Entries and Code. Contest.
Looking at the Entries thread, the contest has started “hot”. Nothing less than six entries are already listed: Monkey Libre, Dangerous Rooms, XILEF, ModSurfer, and one unnamed yet. It will be interesting to see the development of each entry!
We will be following this contest closely for it is refreshing to see such a popular platform to finally get a game development contest in 2018.