Wordle is everywhere, except on TRS-80’s. The TRS8BIT 2022 competition aims to change that.
It has two tracks called Beauty and the Beast.
Beauty entrants will make their own version of Wordle for the TRS-80. They’ll be judged on how fun and pretty they are. It doesn’t need to support the full dictionary so you can concentrate on looks. Use whatever language you like for the job: BASIC, assembly, C, COBOL, etc.
Beast entrants will tackle the problem of squeezing all 12960 5-letter words of the dictionary into a TRS-80. This is for assembly language programmers only. The smallest blob of program and data will win. Download the contest.zip file for the full details (available from the downloads page at www.trs-80.org.uk). It has the word lists and specific requirements for “Beast” entries, details on how Wordle works for Beauty entries and even a bare-bones example program in Z-80 assembly to get you started!
The organizers say they will be tickled pink if they get a Beast so small it’ll work on a 16K machine! Are you up for the challenge?
Fire up the Model 1, 3 or 4. Bring forth the awesome power of a Model II, 12 or 16. Dazzle us with CoCo 1, 2 or 3 graphics. Make it portable on a Model 100 or affordable on an MC-10. Heck, if you write it for a Model 2000 they’ll figure out how to run it. All entries will be judged by the hosts of the TrashTalk Podcast, and should be sent to Mav at ianm@trs-80.com.
The deadline for submissions is 21:00 hrs GMT, on November 24th, 2022.
Source: TRS8bit newsletter – June 2022 issue
Link: https://trs-80.org.uk
No, it’s not. Delete this. ^_^;
Done :)
The first three words in the dictionary file are:
…are those actually in the official Wordle? Having never seen the game, beyond name and screen shots, I don’t know much about it. But I certainly have BASIC code for compressing text.
I don’t think it would prevent you from trying in BASIC though. If you don’t win, at least it is a good technical achievement :)
They say:
“The essential challenge of the technical track is to pack the dictionary and the routine to access it into as small a space as possible. It must be written in machine code”
Is writing it in machine code a requirement, then? Or that they don’t think it’s possible in BASIC, or would just be too slow?
Hi Allen, Based on what I read, the beast part must be in machine language, just because the “blob” – code + dictionary has to fit in a small amount of memory.
I actually wrote a multi-part series about doing this in BASIC, but got busy with “one post per day” for SepTandy and did not complete the series. I think I’ll get back to it, though I clearly reinvented the wheel with my approach. It wouldn’t have met the requirements of the challenge, and wouldn’t have kept the words in the same order, but it looked like it was possible to fit most/all of it.
Sometimes reinventing the wheel is actually good so we can see how things can be done on a basic level (not BASIC level :) ). I would be interested to see your solution Allen!