C2NEmu: A USB datassette emulator

c2nemu_smallLuigi Di Fraia has announced the soon to be available C2NEmu. This device connects to a Commodore 64/VIC 20 tape port and to a PC through a USB cable.

There are two modes 2 modes of operation:
1. playback a TAP file (version 0, 1, or 2) from a PC into a C64/VIC20
2. record the write signal from a C64/VIC20 to a DMP file on a PC

C16 is supported as well by means of a converter, which is not supplied.

Unlike “audio playback” equivalents, this device fully supports the motor signal, which is not just fundamental at the “FOUND” message or at a Credits screen. There are a number of games whose tape loader requires data playback to stop for a fairly large amount of time at given points: this device takes care of it for you, without manual intervention.

It’s still early for (pre-)ordering as Luigi is still running tests, the final price is likely to be about 8 GBP + shipping.

[youtube etzeglWea68 nolink]

Website: http://luigidifraia.wordpress.com

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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