The Only Thing We Have to Fear, is Assembly Itself – RetroChallenge 2018/04 – Update #7


Assembly language: the very name strikes fear into the hearts of retro-computing oriented nerds everywhere. “I used to program my (Atari|Commodore|TI99|Apple|ZX Spectrum) in BASIC, and I always meant to do something in Assembly, but… ” If that sounds familiar to me, then this is the blog for you! Or rather, this is about the 100th blog for you, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that lots of people like me are going back to old machines, and doing some very serious contemplating about maybe possibly getting back on the horse and learning some Assembly.

“Strange language. The only winning move is not to PLA.” — WOPR with Fries

As part of my RetroChallenge 2018/04, I have a stretch goal of writing some software (in Assembly) and getting it up on the CBM II series. I might not make the main part of my goal (getting a real CBM 710 working) in time, but I have been able to plug away at the software side of it.

Boring Background – I Recommend Skipping This Section

A couple years ago, I happened to read an article about a C compiler that let you write in C for the C-64 and C-128 (and other 8 bits). I hadn’t written C seriously ever, and hadn’t touched it all in many years, so I had a good time learning it from scratch again (and I don’t know if this is true, but I think of C as the parent of a lot, perhaps most, modern programming languages, so it’s not like it’s conceptually strange). That was fun, I wrote a little word processor for my C-128 in 80 columns, with accented characters and backspace and delete support, and keyboard shortcuts for jumping through words based on modern shortcuts. But at the end of the day, it was hard to think of a use for it, so I stopped working on it.

As part of that, I had started downloading various C-128 programming books from the internet. It turns out like everything in the world has been uploaded to I don’t like reading scanned PDFs though, so I did some conversions down to Apple Pages, and made nicely readable ebook files. Relatively mindless work, but satisfying in a way, and a good task for when you are recovering from a sickness and don’t have full use of your brain!

A few months ago, I stumbled across something about a person who had made an incredible C-128 video / demo that used the 80 column graphics chip to do some things no one knew it could do. I always like the 80 column mode for the C-128, but back in the day, there wasn’t a lot of software for it. That got me inspired to dig up some old 80 column graphics code I had started in the late 90s, which brought me back to assembly language. I got sick over the winter break and did some more conversions of books, this time of Assembly language programming books. Then very recently I saw a reference to Space Race, a game for the CBM II series (“B series”) of Commodores. The game had just been published a year ago, and had opening theme music with full SID glory, and 160×50 graphics. Graphics!? You aren’t supposed to be able to do graphics on a B machine! That rekindled an interest in the B machines I have held for a long time, ever since looking at those ads from Protecto Enterprises in the back of old Compute’s Gazette magazines. So I switched over from working on my C-128 (sorry old buddy!), and dove into the B series. After much searching on E-Bay and Craigslist and, I acquired a CBM 710. While waiting for it to be in working condition, I started on a game. I thought about an application, but I couldn’t think of anything I would actually want to use. I love 8 bits, buy my modern computer is better in just about every conceivable way, in terms of getting things done.

Getting Started With Assembly Language

Note: This is going to describe the development environment I’m using. I’m sure there are better and smarter ways to do it. Feel free to share your system!

Don’t Be Scared

If you have done programming in any other language, and you are intimidated by learning Assembly: don’t be. With today’s modern cross-development tools, and instant access to hundreds of how-to articles, and forums with people who are eager to support each other, there is nothing scary about Assembly. For me, back in they day, it was pretty painful, in part because I didn’t know what I was doing, but also because I was trying to develop on a C-64, for a C-64, and frankly, the tools available now are miles beyond what was available back in the 80s.

What We Will Need

  1. Assembly language books and/or tutorial websites, etc.
  2. Assembly language references for your platform of choice. Knowing 6502 Assembly is one thing, knowing how to use it on your target platform is an entirely different thing.
  3. Code editor
  4. Assembler
  5. Testing and debugging solution
  6. Forums and/or mailing lists where you can get help
  7. Mechanism to get code from modern computer to your retro computer (optional)
  8. Design for your game or application, or at least the outline of one.

6502 Assembly Language Reference Materials

This is what I have assembled (rimshot). If you have other references you swear by, please comment.


I converted the first two to ePub and Apple .pages format. I have read them both, and worked through the exercises. Having the searchable version is crucial for me, because I haven’t memorized enough of the logic of Assembly yet, and I find myself going back to both of these books every day and searching. Mostly because it’s taking me a while to remember BPL/BMI/BNE/BEQ/etc, and how the different flags work.

The last book I haven’t used as much, but it has some good thinking about game design, so I include it for that reason. There are a lot of books about writing games for the C-64. Some of the content is basically the same everywhere (sprites, music, etc. etc.), but you’ll find the quality varies, and the amount of information about designing a game tends to be fairly limited. But I keep a few of these books around anyway, to see if there is a routine or something I can borrow to solve a common problem.

Try or Bombjack for more ideas.

Web Sites

  • I haven’t gone through 1/10th the content yet. Will come up in a lot of web searches.
  • CodeBase64. Incredible. Like having the Oracle in your back yard.
  • Google. Seriously, type a few words, and you’re likely to find someone has already asked the question, and 10 people have answered it.
  • This is a C-64-centric site, but it’s well worth a look. Partly the owner is offering a set of tools to install on your Mac and get a complete development environment. But perhaps even more interesting is the well-written series of articles covering how to build various facets of a game.

Commodore B-series Reference Materials

So… this is awkward. There are, count them: 0 books about programming the B series. There isn’t even a decent programmers reference guide from Commodore. (Protecto Enterprises wrote one, eventually, but it’s not even close to comparable to the C-128 or C-64 Programmer’s Reference Guides. There are I believe 3 versions of user guides for the B series, but they are all basically the same thing. Good to have one though.

My best references so far have all been web-based, but information is hard to come by.

  • CBMII-Guide / CBMII-500-600-700-Guide / B Series User Guide. Basic Commodore user guide. Has screen code chart which is useful. Most information is about BASIC. My favorite part is “The Commodore Software division is working with software publishers to develop a high quality library of software products that will fill your computing needs.” Oops.
  • 700 Reference Manual. This is the so-called Programmers Reference Guide produced by Protecto. An ugly piece of work is what this is. I started to convert this to text, but haven’t gotten very far. Some decent kernal reference material.
  • CBUG newsletters. The Chicago B-series User Group (CBUG) put out newsletters that have a fair amount of programming references in them, from users. Most is about BASIC, but there is some information about assembly. I have converted a long article about IRQs and the 6509, leave me a comment if that would be interesting.
  • If you are doing any B work, bookmark this site, and consider downloading a copy of the B-series articles in case the site goes away. The RAM/ROM lookup tables are the most complete, and I believe, the most accurate. There is some info in the back of the Jim Butterfield machine language book listed above, but the info here is easier to use and more complete.
  • Steve Gray’s site on Covers a lot of ground with the CBM II line, and has some programs you can download and examine.
  • Commodore KERNAL history. Helpful and interesting for all Commodore programmers.

Code Editor

I develop on a Mac. If you develop on a PC, there are some other options available to you. My choice is Relaunch64. It is a Java app, and available for Mac, PC, and Linux. Relaunch64 has a good set of tools for working with Assembly language. Syntax coloring, etc. Critically, it comes with built-in scripting support for the assembly and post-assembly, so you can hit a key (F5) and 1 second later, be looking at your program running in VICE. Normally I would prefer to use BBEdit, which I can unequivocally say is the greatest programmer’s text editor anywhere (everybody says so, if you disagree, sad!).

By the way, despite the name, Relaunch64 works great for C-128 and B-128 programming. For all I know, it probably works great for any 6502 assembly.


There are also several choices here. The one I have settled on is TASS64. This works great with Relaunch64 and with VICE. It can write out a list of symbols (labels), and you can load that into VICE, so when you debug in VICE, it’s almost like debugging in your code editor. Almost. Relaunch64 can script the label list generation for you, making it all the easier.

Testing and Debugging Environment

There is only one choice here for the CBM II series: VICE. VICE supports a huge set of Commodore 8 bits, including the C-65 apparently. For the CBM II series, it can emulate not only the B-series (in various flavors) but the P-500 as well.

Note: For you C-128, C-64, VIC-20, and Atari fans, consider also adding Z64 to your toolkit: it has much better VDC emulation than VICE, and, I presume-but-can’t-say-for-sure, that level of fidelity probably extends to the other supported platforms.

Forums and Mailing Lists

I haven’t yet found any forums that are relevant to CBM II programming. You could probably start a conversation on either (in the other computers section!), or The CBM Hackers mailing list does have some extremely knowledgeable people on it, so that might your best bet.

Getting Code from a Modern Computer to Your B-Series Commodore

I haven’t got this far, to be honest. Mostly because I don’t have anything to transfer data and code to. It looks to me as if the main mechanism people are using these days are SD card readers that can be accessed from the vintage computer. The CBM IIs do not have the IEC serial port that the C-64 and C-128 use, so don’t assume you can use any “Commodore-compatible” solution. Here are some options (note I haven’t tried any of these):

  • PETSD+
  • SD2Pet – This is an upcoming product in a nice PET-like container, from Dave Curran of Tynemouth Software.
  • ZoomFloppy – The idea here is different: you take your existing CBM drives, and hook them up to your PC, and copy files back and forth via floppy.

Designing Your Game or Application

Obviously, it helps to know what you are trying to do. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have thought through a design before you write a line of code. You can do it on paper, that’s fine. Just remember that it’s better to find a logic error in your design before you write the code, than after. Don’t worry, you’ll still have lots of other logic errors and bugs to work through.

Next Update: Setting Up Your Development and Debugging Environment…

Author: Micah Bly
I was first exposed to computers when I was nine years old, and my brother acquired a Timex-Sinclair 1000. Typing, on the TV... Amazing! Perhaps that's giving the little black door jamb too much credit, because no one ever typed on that membrane keyboard. But still: making stuff appear on TV = magic! We got a C-64 some time after that, and the rest is history. If you go to the Living Computer Museum in Seattle, they have a display up right now with an 80s arcade, a kid's room (with wood paneling, of course), and a classroom equipped with Apple IIs. My room wasn't that cool, my school's computer lab wasn't that well lit, and the arcades didn't give out free quarters, but other than that, that's basically a snapshot of my early life. I work in IT, and program 8 bits for fun. (Thanks Commodore!)

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